Freestyle for Blender

Please help
As you have mark frreestyle edge, there is noting for mark edge to exclude from freestyle
I am not very clear how to exclude some edges from freestyle.
See the attached image. I don’t want teeth part to used by freestyle.


freecheck.blend (464 KB)mouthf.blend (607 KB)


Now watch movie created with freestyle

@patricia3d…Very nice work. I really like the message.

P. Monk

Is there a way to bake freestyle lines into a texture?

No. This is currently not possible, although you might be able to hack something together.

Does the svg export script work?

this is is very nice particia well done. I love the message too. Never give up :slight_smile:

Thanks for the great comments. Watch 3 small movies ( 11 seconds club try ) created with freestyle

( but see them from the bellow link, becase they are 560x316 size, you will see in the bellow link on exact size, and directly from vimeo they will be blurry.

Can we get the FS Stroke phase of the render sequence separated, so we can “re-stroke”? (Save viewmap to a temp file…) OR, if this is the case, be able to manipulate the view map before stroking?

Just asking for big things before the next big blender change… :slight_smile:

There was a feature request in the past to allow users to reuse the computed view map and make it faster and easier to manipulate stylization options. My impression is that this functionality is technically not so difficult to implement. I would consider it as a short term target.

My apologies if this has been asked a hundred times before…

Is there a way to have Freestyle’s line color adopt the color of a texture? Like, to shade the line in a darker shade of the color it lies on? I know how to do it with materials, but obviously its much for efficient to just have one texture and material if you can.

That would be very cool. It could result in realtime post render styling?

Linestyle>add modifier>color>material

I would like to ask people to take a look at a planned set of changes to the Freestyle Python API:
As mentioned in the latest weekly developers meeting on the 19th of January, these Python API changes are foreseen to be included in the upcoming Blender 2.70 release. Any kind of feedback on this regard is much appreciated.


The changes seem nice!
I can’t really say anything negative about them.

Well, that’s why I put “I know how to do it with materials” in my post lol.

What I mean is, say you have an model of a 2 colored object, like a panda. If you did what you explained, the ENTIRE model’s lines would be the color of whatever you picked in the modifier(diffuse, spec, etc.). But what I want is for it to draw the edges of the black areas with a dark black, and the edges of white area with a dark grey or what have you.

So is it possible for some kind of modifier setup to recognize the color its lying on, or is going through and marking them the only way?

No, it is not possible to draw lines with colors taken from textures. I agree that it would be very efficient to be able to take colors from textures. Technically that functionality is pretty feasible to implement. I would add it to a list of requested features for future development.

While you can’t quite do this within Freestyle itself, what you can try is setting freestyle as a seperate render layer, and then go into the compositor.

You take the alpha of the freestyle layer and combine it with the copy of the colour layer so that the output contain the rgb channels of the colour layer and the alpha of the freestyle.
Then you use a hsv to darken this output.
Then you composite it over the original colour layer with alpha over.

It’s not perfect, but it’s pretty solid.

Right on! I’m not that bummed out about it, there’s always a compositing way around any problem, but it would be a cool feature to have no matter how far down the line.

Yeah, this is roughly how I was envisioning how to do it. Granted I was hoping the feature to do so was done so I could prevent doing more compositing, but still, having the ability to do it regardless is a big help. Thanks :slight_smile: