Freestyle animation
Is there a good workaround for freestyle ignoring render masks just hit upon this issue today…characters being hidden by walls but outline is still drawn…my character and scenes are on different layers.
The most straightforward workaround to me would be to create a third renderlayer which renders only freestyle strokes, and assign both the scene and character layer to it. You can then combine all three layers in the compositor.
thanks man will try that…cheers
worked a treat, had to reorganize some stuff with the layers to keep things simple with line styles but, it worked so thanks
hi i tried to render smoke in freestyle but i cant hide the domain.the situation is the same with the clouds.any ideas?
The fact that it’s invisible in the viewport doesn’t mean that it’s invisible to freestyle (or invisible at all really, it’s just transparant). you can add the domain to a new object group and exclude it in the freestyle selection menu (selection by -> group and tick ‘exclusive’).
this will prevent any line rendering on objects within that group.
yeah but thar dont seem to work since i cant assign line sest to different objects or group
anyway thanks i watched paths of hate and i tried to make my own versionxD but i dont know the metaball clouds are just weird
anyway i figured how to create good clouds out of metaballs.So first you have to join some metaballs then select them all and convert them into a mesh by pressing alt c.then add a material to it select halo and turn up size.before i figured i used metaballs with toon material and freestyle and well they just didnt looked like clouds:)
got to a point where I’m happy…had a loooooooooong lay off…work and life
Finaly a vector exporter for Freestyle
I thought I’d make a mesh to play with variable width strokes. (It’s my first non-tutorial model ever, so please bear with me.)
Unfortunately, I can’t seem to dispel these short lines with fat width when I just use the parameter editor. I understand I could use the thickness_fof_depth_discontinuity python script, but is there a way to do this and run the parameter editor too?
Mervyn the Mercurian’s shoe shows the problem well:
The style module you linked to makes use of Z-depth to assign thickness. The same is done by the thickness > distance to camera modifier.
Thanks flokkievids.
How about the ConstrainedIncreasingThicknessShader script? I understand it is used to, “allow the user to control the ratio thickness/length so that we don’t get fat short lines.” Is there a way to get that in parameter edit mode?
Are you using the Face Smoothness option? The fat short line segments look like an artifact due to jaggy silhouette lines. When the Face Smoothness option is disabled, all faces are considered to have flat shading even when some of them have smooth shading. This tends to result in fairly distorted silhouette lines depending on the viewing angle of the silhouette lines from the view point of the camera. By enabling the option, Freestyle takes account of face smoothness in view map calculation and generates much smoother silhouettes (see this blog post for more technical detail). From artists’ view point, jaggy silhouette lines may cause short line segments that are expected to be a continued long line (see the attached figure). To visually identify the extent of undesired short lines, I used the Along Stroke color shader. With the Face Smoothness option enabled, all the short lines become a long continued line as expected. Hope this helps.
Thanks for the help T.K. Unfortunately, I already had face smoothness enabled.
However, I just got to experimenting and found that when I disabled “same object” in Chaining, these lines looked better. I don’t understand it. That line on the shoe was just an edge loop marked as a freestyle edge.
Many thanks for the new test. The information about the use of edge marks helped me identify the cause of the problem. It was a bug in the chaining operation. Fix is done in git master, so the issue will be fixed in the 2.70 release. Thanks again for the report.