I had an idea, I think it would help a lot of people, especially ones new to blender. Let’s build a list of blender compatible and useful grahics freeware. Maybe just what it is, where to get it, and a brief thing on what it does/is used for.
I’ll start:
the GIMP
The Gimp is a wonderful 2D graphics editing package. Although not as powerful as Photoshop right out of the box, it is very configurable and open. It has an interface for making plugins and process thingys called script-fu. For it’s use with Blender, it is great at making texture/bump maps, and any other graphics that may be used in the 3D texturing process.
Why not let Kib put up a link list for all those
freeware on the main site/menu so it will
be easy access and no one needs to search
the web everytime when looking for freeware
stuff of this kind…and if someone finds a new
one, just mail Kib or maybe he can have some
sort of Inputbox like a Forum post where we
can suggest new free tools…
I’m gong to do a section of Iptic on this. If anyone want to write a little paragraph like review for each program, on what is good about it (if it sucks, then we probably won’t put it up ) , how it can benefit a users, etc, etc…
Since there is many choices of freeware out there. Plus the idea that free isn’t as good as expensive, a review can make the difference in somebodies decision and also save time by guiding them towards the best pick!
Kib, if you want me to send you a copy of the “free list and reviews” for elysiun when it’s done, let me know