I recently had an issue with trying to start an animation of a former ABC file (no keyframes) at a different frame. I posted to the forum here and the solution was to add an object “Transform Cache” constraint and set the frame offset where I wanted.
I’m now interested in taking the same alembic animation but just either using a small segment of frames, or just freezing it on a single frame. However, it’s not clear to me how to do this. Offsetting it dictates where the animation starts, but obviously the rest of the frames play through. What if, say, I wanted frame 80 (rather than 0) and I set the offset at 80, but I only want frame 80 to stay and no further frames to play through? Basically similar to if I took that frame and exported to OBJ and re-imported the static OBJ. I would do that but I’m using a bunch of complicated Octane materials and the materials don’t export correctly with the OBJ and I don’t want to have to re-assign all the materials.