I have 1.73GHz AMD Athlon XP+ with 1GB DDR RAM and I don’t know why but when I try to smooth out my model using SubSurf to about 5 or 6 my Blender freezes up… is it normal or is there something I forgot to do?
I have 1.73GHz AMD Athlon XP+ with 1GB DDR RAM and I don’t know why but when I try to smooth out my model using SubSurf to about 5 or 6 my Blender freezes up… is it normal or is there something I forgot to do?
Subsurf to 6 means you multiply the number of faces by 4096. A value of 5 means 1024.
Is it normal?
What do you think…
Well if I want it REALLY smooth…, what am I to do?
Could you post an image or describe more precisely what your model and/or the problem is ?
A smooth model is not normally a problem.
Have you set the “Set Smooth” button (not the “smooth” botton) ?
I don’t have anywhere to post my image to so I’ll describe.
Okey, imagine a body of a spaceship. When I use Set Smooth it smoothes out the edges but the body still looks like of not smooth, it just has smooth edges, that’s all. When I do SubSurf it does a good job but if I go over 4 it freezes up on me.
The button Set Smooth, not the Smooth function.
I know, tordat explained to me yesterday in a different post.
is it not smooth in the 3d windows or in the render? maybe you arnt turning on AA in the render and not seeing it as ‘smooth’.
Is the item not smooth in the 3D window or in the render? There are two buttons for subsurface 1st for 3D realtime view 2nd for render. Try subsurface 2 or 3 times then hit set smooth.
Ohhhhhh! Bump… yep, that was my problem. I didn’t know I had to put points for SubSurf on render too… lol so I was seeing SubSurf only in Blender itself but not the rendering. [!]
Thx guys,
Boggy 8)