Fridge thieves [MAJOR UPDATE]

Another little fun project of mine.
I hope to make this nice and realistic with Blender Internal (like my previous one)
This is what I have so far.
There are so many small objects, it going to be high poly and well be a while to model

There are going to be some little creatures stealing cheese or something inside

Very nice. Sort of reminds me of this cartoon…



haha, thats good… maybe I’ll replicate that :wink: or not… you’ll have to wait and see

Done a lot more modeling and some texture+materialing. Having some trouble finding labels for some items, but I guees I can just make them if I really need to.
Yes, I know the one coke label is upside down.
Yes, I know it’s too white/bright
Yes, the bottles are currently still empty
Yes, the pepsi label is stretched
Yes, that is a lot of beer :wink:
btw, It took just under an hour to render on my slow pc, at 1680x1050 (full res here) :stuck_out_tongue: There’s a lot of deep raytracing, and almost every material reflects at least slightly

A lot of beer? I was thinking a lot of eggs… I mean… really… wow.

there’s a coke label upside down in the door

there’s a coke label upside down in the door


Yes, I know the one coke label is upside down.

A lot of beer? I was thinking a lot of eggs… I mean… really… wow.

Lol… maybe it was over kill… but there are 64 cans of beer and only 23 eggs!

clean…a litlle bit to much, something like a square mind should live in this kitchen…:slight_smile:

Looks great! If only my fridge were so organized. What, no potato salad?? :(:eyebrowlift2:

How did you get the fridge light to look like there is a light bulb in there?

the fridge ‘light’ is just a mesh with emit set to 2 and the diffuse rgb set to 2 for each. and theres a point lamp just in front of it - thinking of replacing it with an area lamp

Here’s a major update.
Changed the concept a little… ok, a lot… might not make any fridge thieves unless I plan to animate it. And I don’t have any time for that right now

  • Copy wood to surround scene hence creating a nice area to reflect
  • Make floor texture larger
  • tweak pose slightly
  • make wood harder in places
  • texture remaining items in fridge
  • test alternate lighting inside fridge
  • detail skeleton hands
  • **possibly plan a short animation involving fridge thieves

Any crits??

The soda bottles aren’t full of soda like they should probably be,

A lot of beer? I was thinking a lot of eggs… I mean… really… wow.

My family buys 15 doz eggs at a shot.

15 dozen eggs… how big of an omelet do you make…

I don’t think the soda bottles should be completely full, but rather at different levels, would seem more realistic.

Like the new concept.

Oh yeah, the bottles were supposed to be on my to do list… I’ll do those now…
Wow, 15 doz… thats quite a lot… we buy like 30 every time, and when they run out we get another 30

Right, so it’s ready for the focused critique now.
That thread is here: