Frog character

This is the first real character i’ve modelled, I usually get so far then scrap it but this one seems to deform nicely, it has no head yet and I may add some kind of clothes to it.

Is it any good?

Thanks lots :smiley:

Looks great. and a tip: try hitting the OSA button to smooth off those edges.

the OSA button doesnt anti-alias games modron…so really it wouldnt do anything…theres alot of games out there with anti-aliasing though…y’know it would be so freagin cool if someone out there would make some kind of python script that anti-aliases…even just a little bit…i dont know how difficult that would be tho, since im not a programmer…

But, nice charecter…maybe you could put some shoes and clothes on it, like you said…that would be kinda funny…

He was just talking about the picture. He wasn’t refering to acual gameplay for anti-aliasing.

Looks ok, needs a head before i can make a good comment.


Honestly I would say I can’t really judge it now

it does have a low polycount but no textures. Without being told so I would have no idea it is a frog.

See if you can work on a head and make it look like a frog. A low poly count is lost if I can’t tell what it is.

PYTHON CAN’T ANTIALIAS IN THE GAME ENGINE. (it could be some hack opengl call, maybe possible in 2.23 now that I think about it. But still useless)
offtopic: (don’t flame me but I see little need for fsaa nor fsaf (antialiasing and anistropic filter respectively), more a need for hardware that can draw more polys on the screen (both the transformation, and the drawing) in more complex ways. aa and af are only necescary (at the resolutions people run at these days) for rendering stills. )

You can antialias blender if you go into your operating system settings for your video card and turn antialiasing to a setting. On windows, right click the desktop, go to settings, click on advanced, click on opengl. There you should be able to turn antialiasing up:)

Once you do that, all blender games, blender itself, all games using opengl, it will ALLLLL be antialiased! Have fun :slight_smile:

Ok I quickly modelled a head and slapped on some eyes with a bad texture, also had a go at animating him but he just bounces round the room when I put on the dynamic sphere, anyone know a way to stop it? prolly using empties would help but the mesh needs to be parented to the empty and the armature :-? I think…

Maybe sandals would look good? :stuck_out_tongue:

Webbed feet would look really cool instead of sandals…and maybe animate his throat so it could expand like a bull frog :slight_smile:

Bouncing frog? Oooh ok, we need to fix that. First of all, make a material, and give it the name “game material”. Then add to all the game objects included the character the material game. This material won’t show any chances in the game engine, but it fix the bouncing character. 8)

The materials don’t effect it, I always have this problem with armatures, I know I need to use an empty as the dynamic character I just dont know how to attach it to the mesh, I can’t parent it because the mesh has to be parented to the armatures…

Thanks for all the comments on my froggie, it pleases him muchly :smiley:

Ok, Do you know how to create vertex groups and add them t the armature. ? If you don’t know I can explain how to do it.

First make a armature for the frog. When done give them names by selecting a bone, then go to edit buttons to change it’s name. So change all the bone names to whatever you wish, like upperarm, lowerarm, bla bla bla. When you give each bone a unique name, go into editmode for selecting vertexes.

Select a group of vertexes which you want to be added to a bone. Then go to edit buttons, and search for the buttons under the name VERTEX GROUPS, on the left of the flip normal, intersect buttons. When done, click new, now a text box will appear under the name vertex groups, and give it exactly the same name as the bones on which you want to parent the vertexes on. Then hit the button ASSIGN. Now you assigned the vertexes on the bone you wish. When you assigned all the vertexes to specifique group, exit edit mode. Now you need to parent the mesh to the armature. First select the mesh, then the armature, now hit left ctrl+P and choose, use armature.

Now you can test the armature, by clicking it, then hit left ctrl+tab, and select a bone, and move it.

To make a dynamic character of it, add an empty, parent the armature to the empty. When done, select empty, go to game buttons, and hit the ACTOR button, and set the size of the sphere. Now you only need to add all the motion sensors to the empty to move it.

BTW, bouncing dynamic object can defently fixed by just adding a material to the ground, or objects, this defently fix the bouncing problem. Just try. 8)

That was it! I just needed to parent the empty to the armatures :wink:

Thanks alot JD :smiley: