From Blender to .X, please help.

Hi all!

I am very comfortable with Blender, but to make Blender fully useful for my cause I need a way to convert the objects made in Blender into a format that will eventually be able to be converted again into .X (DirectX) format.
I am making animated models and preferably need to export with the animations, though I can also be content with just exporting the model out of blender, making it a .X object and then finally animate in another program.
Does anyone have some step by step procedures or tips to follow to be able to get this done?

Many thanks in advance!

Obj is a rather standard format, so you could use the ObjIO script (there’s a fix for the new Python API called ObjIO 2.28 fix or something).

Look in the script list in the Python section of the forum.



How can I load the .py script in Blender?
I cannot figure out how to load it in either 2.28 and 2.30?
Other scripts use a .blend file to activate the .py file, but here only a .py file exists…?

Open a text window (Shift-F11)
From the drop down menu in the header, choose Open New and browse to where the .py file is.


thank you!

One other thing: does the OBJIO script used for exporting to Wavefront OBJ format also export animation and texture data?

I am probably stating the obvious, but don’t forget to press alt P.

It doesn’t export animation data AFAIK, but it exports UV coordinates and vertex colors.
