Frustrating selecting issue with 2.80

Hi people, I have so weird issue going on today. I don’t know how it happened but in 2.8 select tool/box not working properly. No matter how many object in the scene i can’t select them in object mode. Selection working on always on same object not others I want. I tried almost everything, open a new file, restarted factory settings, reinstalled nothing worked. I tried the open same file in other computer and it worked fine. It also slowing down my blender. i wait so much longer for selecting. It’s so frustrating :frowning: I will so happy if someone can help. I don’t know how to demonstrate but like in the picture no matter what when I drag it it will always choose the same egg and the lamp.

I’d start by getting the latest 2.80 since that one looks like it’s a couple weeks old at least.

Sounds like you’ve tried all the usual stuff. Was it the exact same Blender version on the other computer? What’s the video card hardware in this system?

Both computer have the same last version of 2.8 which I downloaded from official website today. It’s gtx 970 but I had no problem so far

The version shown in your screenshot is 2.80.39, which is substantially older than the current 2.80.41 which you would have gotten from today’s download.

it’s working fine here, is it just the select box tool? try the hotkey ‘B’ ,also expand the collections and see if some objects selection is disabled ,if that does nothing then go where blender preferences 2.8 file, like in here and deleted it or copy it if you have a custom keymap. “C:\Users\Zino\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation”, this will reset blender to default.

I’ve installed from older files by mistake I guess but newer version is same I guess I will format the system finally :confused:

I’ll give this last try thanks! :smile: if it doesn’t work format is coming :grimacing:
Btw for the answer yes problem is just with selection same with B key. And also taking so much time to select something

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Have you checked if the objects inside the collections have selection disabled?

yeah i’ve check every possible way. what i thought is i’ve added another 8gb ram and changed power supply. maybe it caused something like this because i have weird issues with other programs and games either. i will know soon after ressetting my pc :slight_smile:

According to your description the problem might be in the user interface or your opengl version.

And try to play with this settings :point_down:

I have gtx 970 with i7 6700. I tried these too but nothing changed so I did format and even after had still the issue but don’t know how it gone when I changed to CUDA :slight_smile: hope I don’t have it anymore. Thanks everybody trying to help really appreciated :slight_smile:

Hey can you please help me with this ? Im asking for help but nobody is listening! please watch this video

whenever I add a mesh and go to edit mode the lines aren’t matching . Because of that I cant select a vertics and I can’t use other modes or effects as well as I cant edit please help me out please

woah yours is much worse than mine :open_mouth: i’m really new with blender especially with 2.8 so really have no idea how to help :frowning: how it happened?

Not sure if this would help ,but worth a try. Look at my answer here.