Fspy doesnt work in blender 3.0

Ahhh then this jerk also made this unsane tip (like most of those y-b-ersor other tips and tricks bloggers (just for the click)) … “goto code and download”but that’s totaly nonsense because you do’nt want no code … you wan’t the release.

Also it’s not a fix… it’s the complete addon… it’s just the informations that this release has this fix…

So again for every other newbie too (sorry for the rant but once in a while i could get :crazy_face: ):

Blender addons are one of this

  • on single file written in the Python language with extension *.py (trying to execute this in a Python -interpretor doesn’t help you because it has to be intalled to blender) … or
  • one archive with multiple files (maybe also icons…) for which the ZIP (archive) file format was choosen which also has to be installed to blender… (the fact that a complete developer project can also be archived in a archive format like . tar tgz arc or what ever… and also zip has nothing to with the release of an addon)

Installing to blender means: following the blender docu… just select the one of those files in blender and blender will to the rest… even selecting the addon for enabling…

For anyone who follow those tricks:

Do you open up your smartphone and threaten it with a heatgun to disassemble the accu so that you can charge it with an extra device…??? – No you just use the original charger or any compatible and also doesn’t make any modifications to some other electronic a device (coffee macine) to charge you (insanely expensive) smartphone…

Or do you open up you car with a xx opener onthe side and hot glue an joghurt to make a new fuel fill up openeing…?? No of course you don’t…

But you follow some obscure click-bait videos/blog which doesn’t really help because the just re-publish the first info of some manuals or not even that…

Howto install this or that… download this or that and run the installer… or just do some things manually as priviliged user to mess up your system because you misspelled something… (i deleted my system folder … what now…)

If you scamp, bungle or botch you things in this unintended ways and you didn’t understand why… then it’s properly not meant to be…

So please just read the fantastic manual which is available via Blender itself → Help → Manual (you doesn’t even need to use a search engine and ):

The world could eb soo easy… (thank you to give me the opportunity to use blender as video editor… :wink:):