ftblender: how?

I have installed ftblender. I know its a dos program, i can run it, i just don’t know the procedure…HELP!

There should be a .blend file with your ftblender download. In the .blend, you will find a python script. As far as I know, the python script does not work in new versions of blender. Put a font in the directory with the .blend, open the .blend file directly (from your file manager, not from Blender) then try pressing [Alt+P] over the python window. If the script will not run correctly, choose “Save As” from the Text Editor window and save the python file as ftblend.py or something. Put the fonts you want to convert, the ftblender executable, and the ftblend.py all in one directory, then run the python file with your Python IDLE GUI (you will need a full Python install from Python.org for this). Please note that some fonts don’t work with ftblender, but most I’ve tried do. Let me know how this works out for you.

It worked!!! thanks blendenzo

Did you have to pull the script out, or were you able to run it from Blender?

i just opend blender