FTL Kestrel and Super Newbie Problems

I usually don’t like joining forums, but I have nowhere else to turn for advice. Got the cgcookie account, bought a book on blender - nothing’s really helping with my problems. So here I am asking for help.

I am trying to render a 3D model of the Kestrel-Class Cruiser from “FTL: Faster than Light.” I have one two-dimensional image to go on, the rest is imagination.

Here’s the original image.

This is what I’ve made so far in solid mode. I’d estimate I’ve spent 10 hours of work on it (slow learner here), and there’s a lot more work to be done. But I’m proud to have made it this far.

I discovered this, however, when I went into texture mode:

There’s a hole in my ship and no amount of hitting the F key seems to fill it. I am tempted to dump the whole thing and start from scratch but I’m afraid to lose the work I have. Why won’t it fill with texture, what methods can I try to fix this?

Running Blender 2.66.