Full length film (Crowd Render project)

Established 26 episode Sci-Fi Podcast → to → Blender film project.

Whether you make 1 texture, or build and animate entire scenes, all help will be recognized and appreciated. Respond here with what skills interests you most (modeling, animation, etc.) Then…

Listen to the Sci-Fi podcast here: ABGC

Pick out what sounds fun to you! A few characters have been started already. Meanwhile, I will continue on and line part the script up in to scenes and pre-requisite objects. Once I have a project plan of pre-req objects, scenes, volunteers and interests, I can start dishing out assignments. If there is love to share at the end, it will be shared.

can you write a short summary of this story, modeling. also a “film” maybe a little too much work for volunteera, you can create a 10 second maybe and pitch it to a studio.

Sure, here you go. The project is big, but most scenes are reused over and over to try and keep it under control.

The A.B.G.C. (Anthro Bionic Galactic Core) is a sci-fi fantasy dark drama adventure story-cast with a little humor sprinkled in. It’s a riveting tale of half-human half-animal characters abducted by the military and forced to live on a grim space station, where they are surgically altered and ordered to pilot their space ships to defend Earth and its surrounding space from hostile invaders.

maybe a little simplfied story, could save a few years of work, have you made a short film before perhaps can you alter the story it could work for a (short film). 1-2 minute

I would be thrilled to start with a 30 second trailer. :slight_smile:

ok then. if there is a task let me know. i am intrested in the Lighting/cinematography part