Full moon map 3d (no normal map)


Is there any way to process the original data to remove the lines?
I haven’t found it. I overlap 2 line but the lines appear when I joint 2 different rendering (tga with alpha channel).
perhaps we need a render farm :wink:

what other extraterrestrial ones are there?

You can start from here: http://pds-geosciences.wustl.edu/dataserv/holdings.html
Mars is very detailed, because, after LRO, is more recent. Venus and Mercury are less recent so, I think that they are less detailed. Is more important read the LBL file because sometime the format are different.
Another place were you can found dataset of the Moon is here https://www.soac.selene.isas.jaxa.jp/archive/index.html.en (Japan aerospace exploration agency)
I used some high accurate dataset for this video http://www.vimeo.com/8273720


, I removed doubles and converted all triangles to quads.

This is strange, the script create only quad and no double vertex…


Hello ValterVB,

I’m new to Blender and I would like to render a complete map of the Moon, as seen in your video on vimeo (without any animation, only a static image). Unfortunately I don’t know how to produce a complete map with a decent memory consumption.

It is clear to me how to produce a single slice (ring) of the spheroid (maybe for 3 degree in latitude). But then I don’t know how to save it in the correct, most efficient way. Could you please give a short tutorial how you produced your map?

Thank you really much,