Full screen hot key in 2.81

In 2.8 and previous versions Ctrl+Alt+Space made whatever window your mouse was in full screen. I’ve managed to make that happen in every window except the 3D viewport. So UV editor, Shader editor, Image editor, works perfect. Anybody have any ideas on how to make this possible?

The default key is Ctrl+Space, assuming you’re using the Blender keymap.

Unfortunately doesn’t do anything for me, I’m using the 2.7x keybinds, but I should be able to change that keybind myself I’d think. Do you know what thats called in the preferences?

It stopped working in 2.8.

It’s in Screen -> Screen (Global), operator is screen.screen_full_area.

@Acrivec, what did? Works for me with default keymap.

Actually you’re right, it is Ctrl+Space, idk why I added alt in there. Anyway, yeah its set to that and still works everywhere but the 3D Viewport :confused:

Maybe try a search for Ctrl Space? (don’t forget to switch the filter from ‘Name’ to ‘Key-Binding’). Perhaps there’s a conflict somewhere.

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Only one I could see being an issue is the 3D View one, changed that to Ctrl+Shift+Space and it fixed it :smiley: Happen to know what “Context Toggle” does?

‘Context Toggle’ toggles some checkbox, you can expand that entry to see which it is. If it’s 2.7x keymap, perhaps it’s the ol’ toggle manipulators on/off thing?

If it’s doing something I cant seem to figure out what it is in edit/object, manipulator options :man_shrugging:

Appreciate the help @Stan_Pancakes Thank you!

You’re welcome :slight_smile: