Fun trailer for a bogus movie

Over the summer I made this short little trailer for a bogus movie. Originally I wasn’t going to post it, but AndyD said he hadn’t seen anything from me for a while, so I figured what the hey. From the first opening of blender to the final render it took two weeks, so don’t expect anything awesome. Plus it’s lowpoly. Very lowpoly, and low-textury. Very low-textury. So it doesn’t look fancy, but I think it’s fun, and I think a lot of people will enjoy it. It’s kind of like doodling. I got a bunch of lowpoly models together so I could render and animate super fast. I was happy with the way it turned out. You know how satisfying doodling is, even though you don’t produce something that looks awesome. And other people can appreciate doodles if they’re clever.

The “world” is from Warhammer 40K, from Games Workshop, and the music is from The Chronicles of Narnia trailer. So expect greatness in those departments. (The music rather carries it.)

Total War Trailer

9.3 megs, 1 minute and 16 seconds running time, and encoded in xvid.

Enjoy. And remember, it is purely for your enjoyment. I’m posting this so people can have fun watching it. I’m not going back to it. I’ll accept a critique of it, but I’m not looking for that primarily, I’m trying to entertain. So enjoy it, darn it!


Nice job! I liked it! I had to watch it twice!

that woulda made a very good game demo, of course with a bit batter graphix, but thats a very nuse vid u done there

WOW:eek: !i never cease to be amazed by your work!!perfect audio composition!!:smiley:

nice. with some higher poly models that would look really good.

mmmm… deep-fried graphix

You should use some painted textures for the models, and it would turn into something really good! Nice job indeed.

That looks great (but of course it does, 40K wins. Always.)

Looks like my plan of being the first person to make a 40K animation in Blender has vanished though…

It fit really well with the music, and the animation, at least in my inexpert and somewhat 40k-biased opinion, was really good.

Wow - that is kool.

Not as good as Sago - :smiley: har har kidding - I’m only saying that because you’re always jealous of Sago (makes enjoyable reading because, dang it, I’m jealous of both you and Sago!) The two of you stand up completely on your own merits. This is one more that proves it.

I don’t think you need higher polly models… like poison said, UVmapping textures* onto them should work wonders.

magiciandude, Glad you liked it enough to watch it twice!

vitaliy, well game demo, movie trailer, kinda the same thing I guess. Glad you liked it.

trak wrecka, glad you enjoyed it.

DeathB4Life, that’s true, but like I said, it was more like doodling. Just quick work that I could finish fast (before I lost my enthusiasm for it).

poison, they do have painted textures! Can’t you see the Dark Angel emblems all over the place? Nah, I know what you mean, but textures are not my forte. I have to do something about that.

Ha ha, Z-axis, I had forgotten that you like 40K. Sorry about that. You could be the first person to make one with an actual story. I just threw some random lines in there about war and heros and planets and things like that. If you watch an action trailer closely, you’ll notice that the lines that fly by the screen are usually really dumb and sometimes don’t make sense. Even in trailers for cool movies. Take The Chronicles of Narnia trailer. You look at those words that fly on and they don’t make any sense.

Hey, 40K-bias is ok-bias.

Lancer, let’s get this straight. I am NOT jealous of Sago. Sago qua Sago means nothing to me. I am jealous of Sago getting a monkey statue (by beating me) and into the Blender forum gallery. There’s a big difference between being jealous of Sago and being jealous of two of his accomplishments. And it’s getting harder to distinquish every day.

True, if I was an awesome texture artist, this would totally kick butt. But as it is . . . it only rocks pretty solid.

Well I don’t know about that. This doesn’t prove that Sago stands up on his merits by any account, and I’m doubtful how much it proves about me except that I can sync action to audio. But I’m glad you liked it.

Thanks for watching it and . . . enjoying it.:wink:


Hello, what’s this?

Without the music it’s not so strong (the first time I watched it, it was without sound), but then again, this goes for many other cinematic pieces.

Yeah, most textures and lighting could use some work (it was hard to distinguish one green armour/tank from another), but the planet looked great (such a shame about those ‘toy’ ships), same goes for that explosion and the brilliant cinematographic.

As for the other thing, we’re both professionals. Our own personal goals and accomplishments will settle our path, without being interfered by what others say or do. That is a quality of professionalism and adulthood.

This is REALLY good! I think the only thing you need to do is use some better textures. No need to UV map; you can do some great things with procedurals. The animation is great! The rigging looks great! (I would love to see how you did it!) The music is awesome. It sounds great and works well with the animation

True, without the music, it’s rather dumb. Like I said in my first post; the music carries it. I was happy with the result on the planet, but the explosion is from someone else. The guy who won the explosion contest thread around here. Or rather, I used his method.

As for the other thing . . . that’s so immature. I am above that.

(But deep down I’m seething and green with envy.)

The rigging looks great because each joint is seperate. There’s no deformation (except deep inside the joints, just as a sort of “placeholder” so the limbs aren’t floating) in the characters. Unless you mean the mechanics of the rigging, as in how the bones move. That’s pretty simple too. IK legs, FK body and arms. That’s it.

Glad you all liked it!


nice mood setup by the music. nice camera angles and pans. The environment (lighting, grey sky map, bland and bad green textures) really detracts from what would otherwise be a truly great animation. The music rocks, the space scenes rock, the planet-side scenes have great potential, but do not rock due to the environment, imo.
I really liked the scene where the soldier falls off of the “balcony”, very cool.

The animation is great, though the space marines seem to have had their helmets redesigned by Edvard Munch. Plus they’re too light a shade of green, and the spaceships don’t look very 40k-ish. But other than that, awesome. I’d go watch it.

Soter, that’s all very true. The “balcony” shot had the most time spent on it along with the explosion sequence. It’s kind of lost, but each soldier thrown by the explosion has a unique and (I think) cool “death.” I’m glad you think it has the potential for a “truly great animation,” especially since I wasn’t aiming for that.

Paul J, they are not too light a shade of green! I totally got a picture of Dark Angels Green off the intranet and picked the color out of it and used the HTML code. It’s perfect, okay? You can say whatever you want about the helmets (and I’ll probably agree with you) but the shade of green is perfect. Maybe the lighting is bad, but the shade of green is perfect, I tell you. I was wondering if anyone would notice those spaceships. Neither of them are 40K, the fighters are an old “design” of mine and the cruisers were just . . . blah.

Thanks again for watching it!


LGM great animation! The soldier walk cycle at the start was a little off but the syncing of animation with sound was spot on. Great work!

Amazing. We seem to have the story line for the next project orange! Just kidding, although it’d be a very cool movie. Once again, nice work.

I am in awe. I too watched it twice. The camera work and the musical score are fantastic. Makes me forget about the graphics and focus on the plot of the trailer itself - which is a very impressive feat.

Wow, I’m glad it did that to you. Music, camera angles and cuts, and pacing can do a lot. It can control your emotions (in a kind of scary way) regardless of the plot (or the graphics, I guess).

Thanks maccam912, and Woodman5k. I’m glad you liked it. Isn’t it interesting how the music and pacing can make this really enjoyable, even though it’s sub-low-poly?