Some of my first works in The GIMP
Hope someone likes them!
Into the Darkness
The Light We Cannot Reach
P.S. Sorry for the poor image quality…
P.P.S. Sorry for the bad names…
P.P.P. Sorry for the bad art
Some of my first works in The GIMP
Hope someone likes them!
Into the Darkness
The Light We Cannot Reach
P.S. Sorry for the poor image quality…
P.P.S. Sorry for the bad names…
P.P.P. Sorry for the bad art
No it is really good! Like abstract art that has a meaning and looks nice I like how the images have the opposite means are the opposite… yea I am real profound… Not
lol. Great work though!
great job,i like both images.
The light is better.
Thanks!! I really didn’t expect anyone to like them!
I’ll try to make more things soon!
P.S. N00bhaxor: I agree with ya, the light one is a bit better.
Another image, hope you like!
Lose Focus
P.S. Oh, and can you rate this thread please?
Cool! But I suggest you get creative and think of something else! Sticking to the same spiral design will eventually bore us. :eyebrowlift:
Do more like the second one, they’re better then the others. Make bigger versions too, smaller details can barely be made out right now.
Another image. This one I made in just a few minutes so it’s not as good as the others. I saved it as an xcf so I can modify it if anyone wants me to.
The Eye (lame name huh?)
That one’s pretty cool.
Ok, this one I had some fun on. Mainly just filter after filter after filter. Without further adu, A Matter of Drugs.
A Matter of Drugs
These are all nice…hope you do some more…
I wanna see a big version of the eye please
Well this one looks more like a collage, but it’s pretty scary.
Here ya go Sammaron, a big version of The Eye. It’s really crappy quality, but that’s what you get for resizing a bitmap ;).
The Eye (big)
More stuff to follow.
This next one is in a different style, hope you like it!
Heat of the Moment
Cool thanks
That heat of the moment is cool, but the eyes stick out too much. Otherwise, cool
Here’s 2 more versions of Heat of the Moment. Which do you like best of the 3?
Another image, this one more geared to the realistic/cartoony style (highly exaggerated features and such).
Hope you like,
Drawed Person
P.S. The cutting at the top it my fault, I didn’t allow enough room to draw the rest of the head.
This one I followed a tutorial on, it’s not too great but I’m calling it done.
Brush (Want me to stop making names yet?)
P.S. Please rate this thread.