Funktioncurve's Animation Sketchbook

Hi all for the new year I have decided to drop World of Warcraft as its been draining my life and creativity for the past 5 or so years and concentrate on doing a load of animation in Blender and developing my character animation skills.

I have looked at the Animation Mentor reels on youtube and noticed that they have the rig in dynamic poses showing as Keith Lango would say the all important pose.

I am using an adaption of Red Nelb. I’m intending to try and do one of these static poses per day just to practice my animation poses.

![ d3dac66e36cef94g.jpg]( d3dac66e36cef94g.jpg)

Entitled “Rejected”

I have also done a small animation trying to show thought and the “aha” momment

More to follow soon, comments & critiques more than welcome

Nice pose, try doing lots of different poses and seeing if we can guess what you are trying to convey. It’ll help lots.

Will do like i said i’ll try and post one daily :smiley:

Another Pose

aww looks fed up and down on his luck. least first impressions i got. add eyebrows :slight_smile: very expressive and can turn a negative/positive mood on its head

had a really long shift in work today but heres todays update not entirely happy with it feels it lacks some weight but hey :smiley:

Kudos for this idea! Good way to improve your skills.

Nice little rig you got there. I need to do the same.

It’s not my rig Graphix its supplied by Daniel Martinez it is a great rig :smiley:

And a great excercise too.

Gonna try doing anoither excercise which is 60 second of animation 6 days a week and theres an excellent resource for ideas at 11 second club

Right time to crack on before i start work :smiley:

Todays pose with an animation to follow …damn having to go to work to pay bills …Grrrrrrr

Perhaps moving his head to look at what he is about to smash is a good idea. You could also push the pose some. Glad to see this work coming from you, I was a bit disappointed when you posted 2 depression images. But I’m glad to see you change! The thing is, you’ve stopped posting mood pictures and started doing action poses. While they are good exercises, it’s not the same as showing happiness or anger. Both of your new pictures have no emotion that I can tell. Just suggesting. :smiley:

Make him hitting something. Like a beach ball. The first character test the weta digital people did (people who did lotr) of the cave troll was him hitting a beach ball with his giant mace-thing.

Thanks for the feedback all :smiley:

Have decided to go with the sintel rig today :smiley:

See what you mean about the lack of emotion in the last two pics there Daemon :smiley: Trying to go for that “yesssssss!!!” pose today

Todays post

Small update on a different theme, me mate recently bought a new wacom so gave me his old bamboo so been practising using that for the last few weeks :smiley:

First painting done with a wacom

Valetines day pressie for my girlie

All of these were done in the gimp btw.

Comments and crtique welcome :smiley: