funny coincidence with splashscreen blender 2,62

what does restaurants have to do with computer field ?

i could understand if this was in the computer field use by another company
but when it is for a restaurant i mean this has nothing to do with computers at all

i hope they can see that or may be they are blind !


OK, mamma told me to ignore trolls, so I’ll keep this as brief as possible.

Yes, let’s think of the children. Let’s be sure they grow up without too many hangups about innocuous images they can see any time they turn on the TV or open a newspaper.

You’re out of order, a moderator adding fire to what was already a trolling statement, given the entirely innocent context. This is 2012, not 1912. You should have let the joke pass.

Moved from “General Forums > Blender and CG Discussions” to “YetAnotherSplash>WithProblems>DamnIt” !!!

i said the same thing to Ton when he told me about this rumor, and speculation. I’m positive that the next selection will be done with more caution.

But for now, this is what we have. You must admit that the flower looks really cool. As soon as we hear from the artist, we’ll be sure to confirm that their submission was genuine.

google finds these flowers everywhere.
This makes for a very unoriginal splash.
Even if it is recreated in blender, it is justifiaby questionable considering the flower is easily found searching “photoshop flame flower tutorial” in google image search.

Maybe the Splash rules should state:
That only oss software be used.
That the artwork must be original in nature.

That the artwork must be original in nature.

There is no such thing as original…

I would really like to hear a statement from the splash author… let’s see.

It was suggested some time ago by someone that the winner must submit a blend file. This sounds more and more like a really good idea.

oh, btw,
for a similar effect you could possibly use this type material mat lib final fantasy gost
I’ve also seen some nice glow/strealks materials.
with some compositing tricks & tweaks, It may be possible.

not that it makes it anymore original.

all seems to stem back to 1 guy on devient art who has removed the image.
earliest date i found the fire flower was 2009.

Has anyone Pm’d or contacted the author in any way? Or are we just rambling here without the author even knowing about any problems?

@Konfusekitty: What’s the point in making it worse? If Plantperson should have let the somewhat provocative joke pass then maybe you could have ignored his comment as well.

Thanks for that link, that’s a really nice material setup.
I gave a try to it by appending this material and use it on one of my recent head models and it’s rather impressive how interesting the result can be

, i hope someday there will be a material library built in Blender.
There was this very promising “shader tool” that was close to a built-in library, but no idea how much it’s developping.

Recently there was an interesting article on Slashdot on a very similar subject :eek:.

Sheesh, that photography ruling is a bit extreme- every location has favorite landmarks that people beat to death as subject material, especially now with digital cameras allowing anyone with a couple hundred bucks for a camera to take thousands of pictures from every angle.

I tried the flower here and didn’t come up with a match, any better reverse searches?

Or at least a video or screen captures asked by the judges.
And there must be a competition as it was previously. I don’t like the idea of looking for old splashes, this one was of the competition for blender 2.5. Obviously there is no cycles or bmesh or whatever we want show that demonstrates features previously not existent. In luxrender the main rule is to show some new feature that previously was not in the program. So an image showing SSS for next blender would beat another incredible splash much better but not showing any new feature.

according to google images its to easy to recreate (so many fireflowers o0)
should this mean its not protectable due to missing
heigt of creation? which means “no body” cares (the law doesn´t) if its protected because pretty much everyone is able to recreate it.

or otherwise

wasn´t there always something like Threshold of originality?..

“So an image showing SSS for next blender would beat another incredible splash much better but not showing any new feature.”

I’d have to disagree with that. I think the splash works better as a visually appealing introduction to the software, with a hint at what it’s capable of (regardless of how new these capabilities are)… I’d tend to think this would be more attractive to a larger audience

Showing off new features is what the change log is for.

Anyway…I sent the artist a PM, hopefully we’ll get some info on the situation soon

So Windows and OSX users are automatically ruled out. Don’t be ridiculous !

That the artwork must be original in nature.
So none of the previous splash screens would have been allowed. What is ‘original’ anyway.

Richard Marklew,
what are you on about?

Originally Posted by Meta-Androcto
Maybe the Splash rules should state:
That only oss software be used.

So Windows and OSX users are automatically ruled out. Don’t be ridiculous !

windows & osx users are quite capable of using oss software without ms paint.
the open movie projects try to use only oss software, why should the splash be different?

“That the artwork must be original in nature should be a simple enough criteria”

So none of the previous splash screens would have been allowed. What is ‘original’ anyway.

that’s just insulting to artists.

Are you seriously suggesting that only users of Linux be qualified for the Splash screen?

And, not to speak for Richard Marklew presumptuously, but it is very true that pretty much every artist is influenced on one level or another by those who have gone before.

“Original” is a term that cannot be defined. Therefore difficult to enforce.

Are you seriously suggesting that only users of Linux be qualified for the Splash screen?

who said that?

And, not to speak for Richard Marklew presumptuously, but it is very true that pretty much every artist is influenced on one level or another by those who have gone before.

Influence is one thing…

“Original” is a term that cannot be defined. Therefore difficult to enforce.

There’s a difference between original & not.

Why is this, pick on meta day?
How about you have a comment on the splash, rather than trying to trip me up on comments.
Do you not have eyes to see the uncoincidental nature of the splash?