Fur/hairy material looks flat when applied to models


I am trying to apply fur material from Blenderkit to this cube, however for some reason it applies the texture, but it looks completely flat. Even when rendered in cycles. I tried other fur materials with same result. I also tried to subdivide the cube, in case that was the issue, but it has no effect.
I don’t understand what am I doing wrong here? (Blender 3.6)

Thank you

You have to add the particle system as well.

Can you please show an example of the particle system settings needed? It’s my first time doing this so I have no idea how to do it properly, since just adding a particle system by itself didn’t change anything, so I am assuming i must set some settings in it as well.

There should be one already set up. At the top of the particles panel there will be a field containing the name of your current particle system, but if you click the arrow, you should see another one. Choose that one. If there isn’t another one, then I guess you would have to build it from scratch, but I’m guessing there is.

I don’t see any.
I tried other fur textrues as well, and none of them offer a particle system as far as i can see.

Here is the blend file if it helps:

Maybe it’s a version conflict. What version was the hair originally made in?

The ones i tried are usually between 2.8 and 3.2

I don’t have 3.6, but if you can post the file, someone might have a look at it.

Alright thanks anyway, maybe someone else will know what the issue is.
I already posted the file in the post above.

I opened it in 3.4 and there were no particle systems attached. Perhaps it was just the material and not the actual hair?

Hmm I think you might be right. It’s from the material section, and all the fur material thumbnails have the same shape of hair, so i think that it’s only for the preview and the actual material is only the material without the particle system.
I looked up some particle tutorials and turns out it’s actually pretty simple to setup my own particle system, so it’s now all peaches.

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It’s especially easy in 3.6 because you should have some presets in the asset browser.