Future of Iptic

I apologize for the cross-post (posted first to off-topic). But I think this affects enough Elysiun members to be on-topic.

I am writing this because I would like to get some feedback from the community on this issue. I have been offered a job down in Atlanta, Ga, and am pretty sure I am going to be accepting it here soon. It is a wonderful position working with Linux projects and due to the state of the economy and my college education level (or lack of), it is rare that this comes along. With me being almost 21 years old, and still living in my parent’s basement, also having just been released from a 3 year relationship (I know it sounds harsh icon_wink.gif ), I feel that I have been given an opportunity to start a new chapter in my life, and seriously look towards the future.

Now the issues with Iptic and the free sites, there are a few. The first, and least serious, is simply admin time. I need to be able to focus on work as needed, but then also have a life when not working. As I said though, this is not a very serious issue and I could probably write some scripts and things to handle a majority of the workload as I go. The second issue is the implications of a second major project besides work. My employers would like me to be able to concentrate on the projects there, and I am intending to let Iptic (the business) go in order to do this. However the community part I am possibly trying to work out. This is also not as serious as I have explained the that point of me taking a job is to get rid of the headaches of having my own company, so that there will be no loyalty issues involved. The third, and probably the biggest issue, is cost. The server and bandwidth is currently $173/month, although that is not a whole lot, living on your own in the city, with an exsisting car payment can be very tough. It is probably not an option for me to continue paying that much per month in the near future, so this is where I need suggestions and comments. I have come up with a few ideas.
1.) Donations (and I will find a way to do the admin)
2.) Someone else with space take over the mysite community (I could point the mysite.iptic.com IP address wherever is needed)
3.) Or the community just dissipate and peopel go back to other free services icon_frown.gif

I was planning on offering options for a small cost to help support it. This however will require quite a bit of work to track payments, and funds, and admin the many different permissions and services, and technical support. Also getting a few commercial sites would be difficult as running a hosting company is almost a job in itself, as there is much competition out there. So it is hard to get business without having extremely cheap prices, which sort of defeats the purpose. As I was designing Iptic, my intentions of having cheap and free things, was to be supported by the volume of traffic passing through Iptic and offering Linux based products from Iptic. So that it would be like a form of passive advertising through a transparent and non-aggressive approach.

If anyone has any suggestions or comments, please post them. If nothing comes around, and Iptic can not be continued, I will notify people so that things can be backed up. At first I wanted to continue Iptic at all costs, even if I had to work at a McDonalds to keep it going. But then I realized that I must think about the lessons I learned from the past, such as with my ex-girlfriend. I’ve experienced what happens when you give up opportunities for something in which your true future does not lie, and the cost of such can be much greater than the enjoyment of the moments caused by the impulsive decision based on emotion.[/b]

Don’t kill Iptic forever. When you have time, get some stuff done on it. It can be a spare time project. If you’re sure that you’ll have no spare time, well, then I have nothing to say.

While I’d love to have a site on Iptic, it sounds like you need this job, and I think that’s the best choice. Just my $0.02.

my site…:frowning:
(pardon the pun)

yeah… I like having my site…

You don’t need to do anything new to improve the web services IMHO, if you could just get some sort of moderator thingy to keep people from doing really bad things to your server it would be fine as is… as for funding, I’d be happy to contribute {but couldn’t pay for it all, obviously}. Think of it like the Open Blender project :slight_smile: If everyone pays a little then you could pay for your server. {wonder if NaN would help out? prolly not :-/ }

I’m going to see what I can do. The reason I started this, was to give people opportunities to explore their own capabilities. Everyone has dreams, but many around the world lack the capabilities and opportunities by which to even start achieving them. I figure if I can provide a channel, in which people could express their creativity and even themselves to the entire world, it could open up endless possibilities beyond just my measly little life here. I’m fortunate in that I was able to have commodities when I was young, in which to harbor and grow in a creative manor and further my own education through books and such. What first attracted me to the internet, was that through creativity, even the people in which the world labels insignificant in the eyes of the masses, could become even more powerfull than the popular and pretty people whom hold themsleves up on pedistals.

acasto, (I admit it…) I surely do not hope that this is the end of iptic.com!!!

And this doesn’t have to do whith the fact, I’ve just got my web page at iptic!!! It’s just that I thought iptic is something nice and I don’t want nice things to end like that… :frowning:

But, if it is about your future, you will have to do what’s best for you!!! :smiley:

Anyway in chance you are still considering about it, you could establish a donate system. Or you could give 50 MB space for free and if people need more, they could give you some money for the extra space… About administration you could ask from people that you trust from the community, to help you with, just like kib_Tph is doing here in elysiun (I don’t know how this could be worked out…).

My best wishes, for your new job. I sincerely hope, everything will go as you want them to :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:



Congratulations on the new job, wish I had server space so I could help. I could probably help with donation or monthly fee. Keep us posted on what you decide.


1 - Accept that job

2 - I lived with my parents up to 33, so, where’s the problem with 21 :slight_smile: ?

3 - Let’s see how we can help.


Well, I for one must thank you forstly for donating the space to all of us to start with. This is a great service for the community.

Now, I do not want to see iptic.com go down the tube, so if you need donations, or need to charge a small user fee, (I think that there are at least 10-15 of us with iptic.com sites), of say $10-20 a month, then all of the users would be more than happy to do this. I know I would.

Keep us informed and I look forward to keeping iptic alive and well.


I’m not sure I’d donate. And I wouldn’t be willing to pay for web space. Otherwise, I wouldn’t need Iptic, I’d have a site somewhere else.

I don’t have much money (I’m almost 13, I don’t have a job, I don’t get allowance), which is why I can’t donate.

Donations are a good idea. Keep Iptic evolving.

Actually, theres around 70+ sites set up so far :wink:

I think I may be able to get quite a bit more set up. I had an idea about the donations thing. I can probably work out a little deal with the company to get a cheaper rate. Also, I can get 10% off for paying for a year upfront. So I was thinking, if we did a once a year donation thing, I could just pay for the whole year upfront. I’m hoping to get at leat 200 sites on it. Which shouldn’t be much of a bandwidth problem, perhaps a harddrive I/O issue, but I think I can work it out.

Well that’s an interesting proposal…

Anyway I’d be glad to donate to iptic.com

Waiting to hear more from you…


Don’t tell me that with your caustic witty mind you can’t think of ingenious money making scams???
I’m 13 and I get only about $5.00 a week. Of course I don’t have too many chores. I’ve learned to make that $5.00 a week goes a long way though.

70+ sites? wow thats alot… plenty enuff users to make small donations to keep it up and running id say =D lets see…
70 users to pay 173$ per month
if each user donates 3$ a month, thats 210$, plenty to pay the month, plus a lil something for u acasto :wink:
im sure no matter who u are, u can probably scrounge up 3$ a month =)

good luck too acasto!