Thank you… a floating van ,hm… i already have some ideas of it after reading your post. Might turn out usefull in Animations later on.
But first things first… i finish this guy. then i righ him and i have a few music-projects to end allso.
(if i coud, i woud probably work round the clock on this guy )
Yes… the shoulders are allready on a long to do list. Gona fix it after the hands and the head is redone.
The blue Texture is a simple standard Material without Specularity and Emitt set to full, thats it…
Thats my favorit to, i plan to mix this style with UV-mapping to fake some details.
Will be defenitly be part of animations someday… i guess there are month of work till then ahead of me thou. (but its an uplifting work, i love blending )
Thanx, i gained a lot skill the last few month couse the comunity around blender is so amazing. Without this forum and without the great tutorials out there there would be nothing to be amazed of.
Anyway i feel finaly like getting somewhere with this.
some devices will be conected to the glove, the upper leg (notice ther are two pads next to each other,the shaft in between) will hold primary weapons (like Pistols).
Other things will be on his back, and some features are built in the armour like nightvision and radio.
i changed the reference pictures for the head (i used a handdrawing with little details), and started with the ear this time and i`m slightly satisfied for now.
the first bone on each finger (by first im mean the one liked to the hand) seems to long, it looks out of proportion to the rest of the finger/fingers. maybe a tad boney to flesh them out a bit, but all that said i know how hard hands are to make, and i ithnk uve done a pretty good job.
Its around 1600 Verts , and subsurfed its around 5000, heres a shot of the Wires…
About the Hand… it seems that i had messed up the inner side of the hand in the first place (before i add fingers) , conclusion: change of plan,
I model an anatomic correct hand first, separate all the upper parts from the old hand, and join it to the new one.
About the Nose…
i use public transportation to get to work, and i cached myself gazing at peoples noses (i hope no one felt offended )
After this field studdy i think
its not that the nose is too long itself but the mouth and the chin stand way to far out.
and the eyes are way to back in the head too. The ear is in the wrong place, and its still to big.