Futuristic Corridors

I’m currently working on the earliest beginnings of a game and have one small set of corridor finished. It’s supposed to be sort of a futuristic corridor kind of a thing, but I know it’s missing something I just can’t tell what. Other than props of course. If you have any suggestions let me know.

I think it could be improved by adding some color. With all the gray and reflections it is a bit difficult to tell the shape of the hallway. Some glowing bands of light along the walls or something could improve it I think. But that is more of an opinion. What I really think could use some tweaking is the door. It just looks too perfectly sharp and thin. Maybe a lip around the edge? But seeing as this is a futuristic hallway I can tell why you are doing that.

I agree with you 100% about the bands of light and the only reason I haven’t added them yet is because I really am not sure how I would go about doing it.

For the bands of light just make them a plane, and extrude along whichever wall you want. For material, pic a color, them turn the emit value to 1. As for the glow, that is going to have to be done in the compositor, the only problem is that the glow will not show up on reflections, but you can do that in compositor too, if you render the reflections pass.

What DDD said would work but I think the best way to do it would be to use indirect lighting. Super fast, super easy, and gives great results. Here’s a link to the video tutorial.

The first two minutes or so are just setting up the scene so its not very important but I think that technique would be the best to use. Whatever you do, good luck!

Hi bedbugger. I would try and remove some of the reflection from the walls. All walls typically do reflect something, even if it is very small amount, but what you have could be … non natural (if playing a game), unless the game is about mirrors!

Adding some skirting/cornices at the bottom / top of the walls will do well. The more detail you add, the better it will look. I know you said that you’re still going to add props later, but IMHO, more detail would do the trick.

On a sidenote, if this is for a game, try to make use of images on you walls instead of actually modelling all the details. It will run alot faster that way