FX explosion over real video using Blender


watch my tutorial on it here:

Well, no motion tracking? :confused:
The explosion itself looks cool, but the compositing is quite a failure without motion tracking…

yeah the point though was that it was all done in blender. I have a hard time learning motion tracking with blender 2.5

could i maybe suggest you enable transparent shadows on the ground plane?
EDIT: oops, at a closer look, you have :P, but maybe you should lighten the shadow a bit?

For help with that:


I did but when you do that it screws up the chroma key and the shadow looks terrible. And last time i checked therr was no motion trackingnin Blender

Do a basic camera track in Voodoo and take the camera + point cloud into Blender 2.49, then export those two items (plus the empty) into the scene, it’ll add a lot to your final composition.

Edit: If you colour correct the final video, and add noise + compression artefacts to the fire, along with track you’ll have a pretty nice special effects piece to show off.

Yeah ive tried voodoo and its very confusing :confused: So what would i do? Parent the explosion cube to the point cloud agter i did the tracking

Explosions often generate light in the flash and subsequent fire, so there could also be less shadow there and more light emission.

Yep i know :slight_smile: One of these days im gonna redo it in After Effects. However i have yet to get it yet, because of the price. And what color would you recomend for the green screening? I think in this one i used black for the chrona key. It was all done in the compositor with a chroma key node and an alpha over node. Nothing with the video sequence editor

If you rendered the explosion effect in Blender then you could have retained the alpha pass and used that in the nodes for mixing over video. There is even a render type (Multilayer) that allows you to save all the pass types that Blender generates, so you can render once then composite many times.
That way you could have generated a shadow pass that would allow you to add different colours to only the shadow.

well it nice even though not very realistic.