Wow everyone, thanks for all the kind words! I really appreciate it, although all of the newer members ought to check out the works of a truly skilled blender user, like andy or anyone else on the project orange team. I’m just gonna keep it from going to my head until then
Alden, here are the images you requested.
As for the other critiques:
2Disbetter, you’re right, that could be considered an “exoskeleton.” Glad you liked it.
shr1k, you’re right, it is a bit overexposed. That came from adding the glow. I think it gives it a sort of HDR appearance, personally. I’ve tried adjusting it with photoshop but I felt it weakened the image. Then again i’m not good with that program…yet
Woodman5k, there are some jaggies mainly from jpeg compression but also because I didn’t want to render it at OSA 16, as this render was at OSA 11 and that took 9 hours.
enricoceric, thank you my friend. I tried rendering the head alone with yafray and it took several gigs of memory (and I only have one gig of physical RAM) and it crashed it. And I think this is also too high poly for use with indigo. As for radiosity or another nice option in the internal renderer, AO, it simply takes too long to calculate it and I can’t have my computer be bogged down by rendering for that long.
Duncan, maybe that blue material isn’t meant to be a metal?
Theblenderboy, the modeling was done in a neutral pose. In most cases, modelers rig things later for posing, as it’s more convenient for modeling albeit rigging can get difficult depending on complexity. As for the waviness in the material, thats because thats how I designed the orange shader, you just happen to see this effect best in the chest area.