Game Boy Classic [detailed]

● This project is much more detailed compared to my last one (I’m talking about headphones). Basically I approached hard-surface modeling, enjoyed the process, replicated many little details in order to understand the basics and get much better. I used just a couple images of game boy and watched some parts of this video, when I had difficult times understanding some parts or how to create them [ ]
It took some time (a couple days of unhurried modeling)

Of course I see many imperfections in this model too. For example, I didn’t smooth some parts of it, so they seem too sharp where they shouldn’t be. I’m also sure I can get better at materials, and some topology decisions were made very lazily ≋

And still this model looks astonishing to me, especially in detail. I’m very glad that instead of trashing this idea, I decided to pursue the final, beautiful results ◆

Many thanks for reading! ヾ(≧▽≦*)o


Fantastic model, Only problem I’m seeing is the subsurface scattering is set to the default value, intended for skin. So the light turns red when it passes through

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Great work!

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As I saw your comment I immediately wanted to write that my sss is actually set to 0.4, but decided to check out this and was surprised that somehow I forgot to turn it on! So you’re right, thanks for compliment and actual point ^____^

I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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