Game character texture tutorial

finally I’ve finished the bloody tutorial
I swear! I’ll never make another one anymore…until the next :slight_smile:
It’s here, for the two people that cares:

I can’t read it anymore…I guess that the"thing" is fine
If you find some weird things, please be kind enough to alert me
Thank you

This is great. Im making some characters for free-ality’s new game “fumes” and this is quite helpful. I have a different process than you do, but I still learned a bit. Make sure this get put in the Demos/tutorial sticky. And I know what its like to put alot of work into something and have two replies : P

I really like this one, quite a bit of detail, but that’s to be expected with such a “wide” and encompasing subject like character texturing.

Really good work on this OTO, you take multiple disciplines, and combine them into one flowing tutorial, and do so quite efficiently. It’s also well written to boot.

I am humbled by your work sir.

Just give it time. That said, I think for anyone to truly appreciate all the hard work that goes into tutorials such as these, you would have to had written a few tutorials yourself.

It’s a whole different perspective from a developers angle.

Yeah! I was just about to go crazy about clothes and all that stuff :eek: This should help me a ton! Thankyou. From what I read of the tutorial it souds good and verry well descripted. Once I get a good character I will read this more into depth. :slight_smile:

Oh and make that 3 ; )

Nice work Oto. I’m going to be going through it soon, I just read it so far.

Gorgeous! As usually!
Always impresive your atention to details from “new” features, such as UV unwrapp.
Low poly characters are my favorite ones… I guess iam geting old… I just like to see it and figurate out that it is a videogame.
By the way learning how to make very nice low poly characters is an awesome start to get familiar with complex mesh tips.

Thank you very much Oto!

Ohh…you’re all very kind
It’s these little moments of glory that make me endure so much pain… :slight_smile:
If you find errors, lacks, weirdnesses, let me know, please.
Thank you

Nice work on this OTO… Great character too. Plugged in the tutorial sticky.

Thanks blengine
Look at our Join Dates?! 2002???
And I never had done anything decent since :frowning:
That’s why I make those tuts…maybe someone more focused, learn this
fast and start to make some wonderful things…

Hey Blengine: I know this isn’t the place, but I just wanted to appreciate you being on top of the tutorial sticky again, it’s great to have the newest content represented.

Thanks Dim. It was nice to come back seeing good content in this forum. Hard work like Oto’s needs to be highlighted more, even if he sells himself short…!

Good job OTO…this will help us (newbies) alot in the UV mapping, unwrapping & texturing dept. appreciate your hardwork for the blender community…

OTO, Thank you for the hard work and please don’t stop.

nice job it was really good and answered a lot of my questions. thanks

Thank you to all, very kind !

Link is broken.

Sorry, I’ve a new site!
But, same location :slight_smile:


I noticed it was busted too lol…when I needed it most too lol…making a science project and needed uv mapping lol=D
edit:hey it’s much better!..I gotta work through this=D great work

OTO you need to get your old tuts up. When ever I’m about to rig or apply vertex color for lighting I always cruise on over for a quick refresher. I know things have changed but they are still 80-90% accurate (i just made up some statistics like all statiticians (and I can spell like many engineers))

Your wishes are order to me, sir!!..but I need a little time ( and some sleep) :slight_smile:
Thank you for support