ok so i am taking a break from my major game project and im making a quick mini game, but the problem is, wen i provoew this game the character eiter goes foward or to the side without me pressing anything, i made sre my logic didnt hav any always sensors and it didnt, here is the file: http://files.filefront.com/kilblocksblend1blend/;11363153;/fileinfo.html
I’m sorry dude. Your characters poly-count is borderline ridiculous, making it hard for me to even start up the game. Are collisions turned off on the objects parented to the actor? (I think the armature was the actor.) Try parenting the armature to an invisible cube, and making the cube the actor. And I think you should remodel the character/gun. They don’t need that many vertices. Sorry if that doesn’t help you.
You need to make the mesh a ghost actor. Blender reacts badly when you have 2 dynamic actors overlapping each other, especially when they’re parented to each other. Basically, the armature is trying to rip itself from the mesh (which is ridiculously modelled, stupid amount of polys. No offense.) Do what Magnum Opus said after you’ve made the mesh a ghost. In the case he stated, you’ll have to make the armature a ghost actor too.
Put simply, the children of a dynamic object must be ghost actors if they are to be put within the bounds of the parent.
Hope that helps, good luck.