Game designed to treat mental illness needs 3D artist and level designer

I am a psychotherapist and a programmer and I have designed a program to help treat depression and anxiety. It is a fantasy role play style game and we need a 3d artist to add to the team, it would also be helpful if that artist could help design levels in or for Unity 3D. It is not particularly difficult but could use an artist’s touch. This position would be in return for profit share. I believe this project has both research implications as well as commercial viability. I hope to hear from you soon.

Jay Durnil, LCSWA

If i wasn’t up to my eyeballs in work already i would love to help out! Maybe in a few months if you still need help :frowning:

This sounds wonderfull! It would be great to contribute to a game that would help people who are suffering.

I think I have the skills to help you. I specialize in environmental art and have been studying level design principles. Whatever your needs are for building levels I can probable get it done. I can also do character modeling, texturing, rigging, and animation. Here you can see a few of my works and you can even download a demo if you have blender installed:

I don’t have experience working within Unity, but I know it’s easy to import models and textures to there from Blender. I’m interested in learning more about the game. If you need any more examples of work I’ve done, then I’d be happy to send them to you. I’ve sent you a PM with my email in it.