Game Engine Doesn't Work

Hi BlenderArtists,
I’m using Blender for a while and I want to use the Game Engine. But for some reason my game engine doesn’t work.
If I start with the cube from the start and press “p”, I get a windows screen that say’s that the application will shut down immediatly. I can send a send a report message or don’t send one.
I’ve update my videocard driver today and even then it doesn’t work. I have a AVI Unichrome Pro graphiccard, that’s on my AVI motherboard. Is there something wrong with my graphiccard, or is there something wrong with windows xp sp2 or something?
Please…HELP ME! I want to use my Blender Game Engine.:frowning:
Thanks, DRX!

Apparently the problem is with you video card.

I’ve never heard of “AVI” before, so it’s possible blender just doesn’t support it.

I think he meant VIA Unichrome Pro, which I believe is an integrated graphics processor for VIA motherboards. He mentioned that he was able to run Blender until he pressed the “p” key and then it crashed, so it’s obviously not a compatibility problem with OpenGL.

Have you tried any other versions of Blender? Also, can you elaborate a little more on your system specifications?

What kind of other versions are they from Blender. Because I have this problem since I use 2.40 till now 2.44. I have never worked with the BGE with my computer.
I’va got a Packard Bell, with AMD Athlon 2600+ (1,9 ghz), 256 MB Ram, VIA motherboard and a VIA Unichrome Pro (64 mb) which are updated with drivers. 250 G HD. These are all standard hardware for a PC, so I don’t see the problem with the hardware.
If I purchase a new graphiccard, could it be possible to use the BGE?

Its possible that there is a new code in the updated version that is doing something to your computer.

I had to tweak with the settings to get Blender working, as the GUI was very abstract XD

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