I need help with the game engine, I want to have ragdolls, but I’m not too sure on how to make this possible. Anyone willing to help me
(I’m using blender version 2.78a)
I need help with the game engine, I want to have ragdolls, but I’m not too sure on how to make this possible. Anyone willing to help me
(I’m using blender version 2.78a)
ok, step 1
parent bone tags to each armature bone that will have a ragdoll bone shape
rig up each ragbone with a rigid body joint,
then duplicate your actor armature (ragdoll armature)
remove all bone constraints, and use copy rotation constraints on each bone targeting a ragbone.
when the actor dies, add the ragdoll and ragdoll aramture to the scene ,and rotate the ragbones to match the actors bones, and delete the original actor .
I am sorry I have little to no clue on what your saying ;-; I am a new to blender and haven’t done that much.
ok so each bone that will have a physkcs shape needs an empty parented to it, make sure the empty rotation matches the bones local rot,
this will be used later, to make the ragdoll match the actors action
then we build a ragdoll from rigid body physics objects using rigid body joints make sure the ragdoll shapes match the bone rotations and empty rotations
the ragdoll itself is invisible in game and is a physics simulation
then we make another actor/armature that uses copy rotation bone constraints targeting the ragdoll bones and the armature itself is parented to the root of the ragdoll,
when the actor dies, we add the ragdoll copy of the actor and move his parts to match the original actors parts, and delete the original leaving the ragdoll in his place.
here is a tut if you didn’t get what BluePrintRandom meant, made by ThaTimster.