Game exports but does not work.

My game exports just fine but then when I go to test it, it just goes black then white then black again. It is really important that this is solved soon. Thank you :slight_smile:

I think we’re going to need some more info. What OS? Graphics card? What version of Blender? Does this issue arise in Blender? Do you have materials on all objects? What is the blend file supposed to do / show? What shading mode are you using? Does the game crash?

The game does not crash. I have windows 7 64bit, I have an AMD graphics cards with all drivers up to date, I can use the in software game player but not the exported. I have blender 2.70. All objects do have materials. The blender file is a real basic one with just 2 guns that emit 1 type of object each. I use the mouselook script. I only used 8 cubes, 2 spheres, 1 camera, and one hemi light.

Oh, hey, there’s a camera in the blend file, right? And it’s active (i.e. you press numpad-0 to look through it)? Try disabling the script to ensure that it’s not the issue (i.e. it might be incorrectly set up, causing errors. It could also cause issues if you didn’t pack it in with the blend file or place it somewhere in the Python path if the Python controller using it is set to Module Mode).

If that’s not the case, you could upload the blend file without any guns or anything if you want to make it super simple (that’d help).

Wow wish I got this much help when I couldn’t compile… now I know why its good to be rich and pay $5000 for 3DS. :wink:

This is the file


MyJam.blend (872 KB)