game model :D (for a mod of homeworld2)

OK I made that in about 25min…so it’s really basic at the moment

other little pics

my reference:

it’s 708faces (tri)
And it’s not finish!!! My limit, I think, is 2000poly…so expect some more details coming soon :smiley: this is a very very very wip :wink: so don,t be to hard[/img]

what do you mean “very wip”?

looks ready to texture to me…

Well, it need to be tweaked alot. My “boss” really want it to look exactly as the reference pic :wink:

Also, my poly limit is around 2000 so I can still add some more detail in there :wink:

Thats a pretty sweet looking plane man, cant wait to see it textured up. Will look great in the game!!! :wink:


Blend on, and blend well!!!