I’m having A LOT of problems with publishing a simple bge game, mostly:
Textures not loading (all pink) in the published (.exe) game
My textures are all of .png format, because there are some transparent ones (and I do believe it is not possible to achieve transparency with a .jpg (?)).
I publish the game with the “Game Engine Publishing” addon.
In the “Asset Paths” window I put the .zip file of my texture folder (otherwise it doesn’t detect a simple folder file and doesn’t include it in the final game folder).
Every single time it turns out as pink textures
What could I do differently and what am I doing wrong here?
you can eather pick all textures into the blend file, got to file /external data / pick all into blend
or try and export the game in the same file where the original blend file is!
i sometimes face the same problem ,
and it seems this are the only ways i know !!!
Because the path to the textures are incorrect. You can handle this 2 ways:
as @alf0 said pack all externall data in the blend (blend becomes very big, depending on all the assets)
have a directory tree, main folder, with subfolders.
You need to make sure that all textures/sounds/etc. have the correct path to the directories. In this case simply create a folder on you desktop, cal it ‘my game’ or something. Now create folders for the things you need inside your my game folder, so textures/sounds/etc. also place your game.blend(s) in there.
Now the boring work, check every single blend you use, open it and check every path to every texture/sound/etc you use, and make sure you select the texture again but this time select them from your my game folder. if you have done that save the blend and export it. Once exported copy all the directories into the .exe folder and it should work.