Game Python vs Blender Python

I know you need to use 2.25 for the Game Engine stuff, but is all of BlenderPython usable and then you go back to 2.25 to make the Game Engine specific stuff? In other words, if I do any plug-in stuff, am I limited to using only GamePython API, or do I still have access to all the Blender Python API in 2.32 and then go back and use 2.25 to generate the plug-in stuff. Thanks.



ok, there is Gameblender only stuff

there is blender only stuff

and plugins are for textures and sequcenes, and for the moment written in c or c++

the python api for blender has changed a lot in general (not just since 2.25), and your question doesn’t make sense any more

reads it again

by plugin you meant blender plugin…
okay then, I am still confused.

the blender module is not avalible in the blender plugin or standalone players.

I think you are limited to the GameBlender, Rasterizer, GameKeys, sys (maybe) and math modules.

I should clarify. I hadn’t slept for 36 hours before that post. I was referring to the GameEngine and the use of gamePython as it’s referred to in ‘the official blender gamekit’ book. gamePython can work with the logic bricks etc… I was wondering if I still had access to the full BlenderPython API for the interactive stuff in the GameEngine (2.25) or just gamePython when creating interactive stuff. Thanks.


Just game Python.


Hmmph. Thanks.
