I said i wouldnt post anything until i had a demo but i spent the last half an hour makin a really good background for my space sim game. It called overkill and its about a guy who works for military that goes looking for planets to terraform without giving away the story he basicly becomes a space pirate these screen are early developments of the first training level. I wanted to create graphically intense game, you can put a lot of special effects into your game without using up too much framerate if your careful, also the also no a lot of objects in space which is another reason why Ichose a space sim. A lot tecniques i have chosen to use have been through studying how FX are done in other games. Anywho here they are.
pretty cool!.. i love the look of the interface
the screens look great but i cant help but feel my opinions are being compromised by the realism of the earth texture and the organized clutter of the interface. from the screens they look graphicly good but im not sure if its the game, or the earth texture i like id have to play it or see some bigger shots so i can make out your models/textures better
did you make the earth texture? and is the tiny text in the interface readable and not just for show/design? if yes to both than wow
i cant get a good look at the ship in these screens, the bottom one has some glowing thing happnin, and the both screenshots are very small =( i would love to see larger screens
Looks pretty good, the background really goes a long way to make for a good effect, heck - the background is one of the most important things in a space sim as far as looks are concerned. So great job!
Space sims can look good and still run at a good framerate, no pesky terrain to get in the way, good choice.
Will the game be freeform somewhat like escape velocity/privateer/elite/freelancer or more mission based like wing commander?
Yes, I can’t wait to see more. Very well done! Just one thing…maybe it’s just the font, but did you spell “Shield” “SHELD”? Just checking. Keep us posted on this potentially incredible game…
I created the backround texture in blender, it is part of a big cube vertex parented to the main character. I will post some more screen shots when i get some time. It does say shield but its blurry. The annoying thing is I have trouble compressing my screen shots without losing quality.
The Font on the HUD is just for show i might take it ot as it takes too much room. I used Porsche 911 font and made all the 2D graphics in flash 5.
:o wow those are really good…i wish i could model something good (anything doesn’t matter if it’s a table or a intergalatic space crusier i just wish those Voices would shut up so i could think) but your pics do look pretty good