game speed

Hi Guys:

I’ve noticed the game is running smoothly on a good machine, for example:2GHz with a NVIDIA Quadro 4 700xGL, 1GB Ram.

But the same game would be much slower on an old pc such as:
P4 450 with Matrox G400, 768Mb Ram. The game speed is not acceptable at all.

Any ideas?

When the game is running,
Is there a script function that allow you to put a piece of mesh into a sleep mode so it won’t be calculated by the engine? and a script function that allow you to wake up a piece of mesh so it will be calculated by the game engine? If this could be achieved, the designer could have a good work around method to improve frame rate.

PC User

Game objects have a few functions you may find useful

checks website
functions of a game object (obj):

so, there is suspendDynamics, enableDynamics, setVisible … how do you hide it again? is from 2.23

Does this get rid of the object out of the game engine completely?

under ‘Actuators’, ‘Edit Object’, ‘End Object’

yes, it ends that object

setVisible(0) won’t do, the object is just invisible but it is there (takes part in collision detection etc).


right, that is why suspendDynamics and enableDynamics I mentioned

how about the objects in the other layer and add it into the game at run time?
Would it be considered by the game engine before it’s been added?

Whoa, are you sure that those specs on that computer are right, the one that runs slow? P4 450… er, there is no pentium 4 that’s below 1.2ghz, and that can’t be 4.5 ghz, so what are you talking about. Also, how much video memory is in that matrox G400? You’ll need at least a 16mb vid card for playing blender games (or any other games for that matter).

But if the ram is 768mb and you ahve a 16mb gfx card you should be having no trouble in blender. I ran it on my Pentium 3 500mhz comp wiht a 16mb ATI Rage 128 with 128mb of ram fine, so you should be having no problems.

Yes, but does the matrox card have accelerated opengl drivers

blender is painfully slow on software rendering, less so (but not much) on faster systems.

You’ll need at least a 16mb vid card for playing blender games (or any other games for that matter).

Bah! you need above 8, i played a lot of blender games and they ran pretty well on my old comp :smiley:

could be a p3, with 32 mb for the video card. I don’t think I could have full hardware acceleration with that machine.

I doubt you do

does the python script thingy there print like you are running microsoft’s opengl stuff? If so you don’t have any acceleration.

one more thing, if you can stand it, scale your blender window to like 160*120 pixels. Things go faster, much, though they are tiny.

Yeah game speed. Ok in this topic we are talking about speed up a game, but I’ve a really strange question. Is there a way to slowdown the game engine? Like when I hit enter, the whole game will slow down like in Max Payne (sort of bullettime) Is this possible with python scripting? because this would be an awesome effect for a 3th person shooter. :o
I’ll hope someone knows if it could be done and how. :smiley:

toggle dynamics for involved objects every frame?
leave off for more frames to go slower…
(would look really bad if you had a slow framerate)

you could also change the linear velocity, gravity, and forces to suit the new time’s speed. That would be more work.

I am curious how I can take my framerate down to say, 4 fps when my hadware acceleration rarely lets it go below 30… (is there a static linked blender for windows?)

need a way to turn on the fps while the game is running. Any ideas?
also, would like to see how many vetices/faces are in the camera view?

python… though not necescairily
a timer property
a float propterty (the time last frame
framrate = 1 / (timer - lasttime)
or something similar

blender doesn’t cull anything, it is the same as in the info header right of the menu buttons.


I guess I have to live without these for a while. It’s probably good enough to just try to feel the frame rate.