Game Startup Flamers

Why the heck are you hijacking this thread to go off about your game project? Its been repeatedly said that you werent singled out for this(tho with how your acting, it wouldnt surprise me) Here you are, looking for somebody to tell you that you’re wonderful, as is your project.
In short:

Go Screw yourself and post your announcement on Blendernation. As a community member(Ive said this a lot in other forums) were not your personal cheerleaders.

Oddly enough, that’s pretty much what I did. Made a maze, textured it, modeled and rigged a character, made him shoot, and added enemies (ok, they were monkeyheads :stuck_out_tongue: ). Pretty much I covered all of the topics that are asked so often without making a single post. Getting a book on blender works wonders; it just teaches you so much (plus it gives you some nifty demos - Squish the Bunny).

And also, from what you just told me asssumptions (I’ll need to find your thread in order to understand more), there doesnt seem to be any reason to cancel your game. Nobody’s saying all newcomers are bad here, eh? :wink:

Yeah, I didnt get the book, found the tute on the blender home site I think…
And dont give ass-umptions anymore attention. Didnt somebody say that here?

You are my new hero free_ality. Finally someone said what I was always thinking.

Thanks man.

Assumptions, you have to be the most insanely narcissistic, paranoid little egotist I have ever seen. I never even heard of your assumptions game, so if you want to cancel it that badly it won’t matter to me.

@social: pleasure was mine, trust me
come back when your high is gone.

im not usually one for wasting post buts this is way too funny

  • I think asssssssumptions = gangstagaret…
    -let him post and ignore him if you dont like him… eventually this virus in the forums will dissapear

@ASSSUMPTIONS: Thanks for the link, I know about your project, even offered to help. Consider that offer revoked. Anybody who goes off like that?
EDIT: didnt this thread start out to stop this kind of thing? allow me to get my irony-cutting knife, man this is thick…

Um, I dont hate you. I hate your attitude. Its the general, ‘Look at me! I need you to tell em Im good, I only want to work on thisproject if everybody knows and loves it’. Its your own decision to cancel or continue a project.
And thank you oh profound Atticus for delusion-izing(its a word) this guy…

The ‘I am great and all you other people are blind morons’ attitude kind of sucks too.

Yeah seriously ass-umtions, calm the hell down. Go puff your inhaler a few times.

-good grief

*laughing myself into a coma.

Im no advocate(mostly) for that attitude either, but , if you read thru the last page of this forum, youll find that asssumptions has totally abused this thread to advertise his game. Hes whining for attention, and its completely retarded. Someones got to tell him…

I was agreeing with you, yeah. I mean, assumptions has the attitude, not you. I meant him.

Oh…well, then that last post was for anyone doubting my actions.
:smiley: :wink: :smiley:

these threads are getting too common… I miss the days when puzziling questions were actually asked and then answered…the admin should move this to off-topic or some sticky at the bottom of the forum…

Ok, asssupmtions, your hilarious, now go home