game using music to drive geometry?

I’m in the brainstorming stage of (yet another) project, this time using the game engine to create a pseudo-game that uses the input from a music-player to generate forms, terrain, color, textures, and/or geometry. I’ve found surprisingly little on this (not a new idea, I’m sure), but I did find some python coding here that could be useful. The only problem: it seems to be very linux-based, and I’m windows, and its also very old. The music-to-geometry thread is here. Can anyone offer guidance on how to use this, what program to use in place of ecasound, what tweaks I’ll have to make to the code to make it work on Windows…etc. I’m new to python coding, but if you can give me some tips, I’d appreciated it.
The pseudo-game synopsis: I need something to keep my brain occupied while I work out, so I figured I’d do a little GE program that creates “worlds” based on the music in my headphones. The only controls would be forward motion, and eventually, head-tracking for direction (mouse-look). The goals would be to find and access “portals” into different worlds - going through the portal changes the variables that determine the parameters of the terrain generator functions. Think: graphic equalizer meets lava lamp.

I’m a bad searcher…here’s the thread that discusses this concept. I’d have replied there, but it looks just a tad too old to resurrect. I’ll be looking into the ideas presented there, but meantime, have any of you VJ folks gone into further development with these ideas? Scripts, whatnot?

yeah that second thread is the good to look at first … normaly you should be able to do it on Win$, with puredata, blender and python installed…

but tell if you can reproduce it or have any result … personnaly I still have some trouble to make a clone of the system FILT3R posted (wich is working for me out of the box) … osc is quite tricky it seems with blender…

Download as soon as you can. Good one.
Not quite what you want but pretty close and nice.
JM is a big music and BLENDER fan.

that is…wow. I could play with that for hours. crazy-weird. Thanks for the link!
Now that I’ve seen that, I’m sure I can make the pseudo-game idea above work with the BGE, if I can gather the toolset to do it and figure out the programming.:rolleyes: Easy, right?

Well, I downloaded all the VJ sample files, installed PD and got a tone from it, loaded the patch as instructed, but now I’m confused. Where the “readme” file says "
Install PureData, run it, and add the line ‘oscx’ under Preferences->Startup
I don’t seem to be able to make any lasting change to any of the lines. I don’t think it means “start-up flags” does it?
Another question, and this one is probably kinda dumb but I’m starting from scratch with audio: when the readme says “start your favorite song…” With what? Any music player? Windows Media? Realplayer? Somehow within PD? :confused: With the bundled patch and a song playing, I don’t get any response.
thanks for your help.

the bundled patch opens the audio line in … you can just put your mic and screem in it to see how it respond … (you’ll probably have to click on a radio button to start the patch’s “metro”) I also suggest that you read a little on how PD works, to understand what a “bang” is, etc … you can change the linein source I think, either changing the object or the PD preferencies … but as i didn’t tried it on window$, I can’t tell you precisely how it works on that plateform …
to add oscx, you put it in the line and save the parameters (if not, it will forget it). you can normaly also start pd with parameters telling wich external it must open at startup (I think it’s “pd -lib oscx” in this case)

also look at this thread where you’ll find more details :

Yay! It works! Thanks for the tip, Olm-Z…all I had to do was hook up a microphone. Funny thing about it, the microphone appears to be broken, but when I messed around with the line in…hey, those PD numbers when all over. Static! Sure enough, playing around with the cord with the Blender GE file running worked like a charm - the ribbons danced all over the place. OK, now I’ve got to delve into the python and logic bricks to understand how this all works.:smiley: (And thanks for the link, too; looks like some good PD info in there. Heh, PD is not for the audio noob, that’s for sure.)