It’s all very nice and good! Keep up the good work, it will be neat to see when you implement some gameplay. It’s always easy for us types to go about with nifty features (such as bullet holes and particles) and forget that the game is the most important part! Good luck with the game.
Nice! The bullet holes and everything are great! Thouse most have been tough to make.
The one thing I didn’t like though was the way the mouse moved. I think i can compare it to useing force and using Drot. in drot, it just moves, no gradual getting up to speed. It’s a lot easier to aim like that.
Thanks all for the feedback! Especially Pooda! Sorry, couldnt resist.
Aslo, Saluk, thanks for the encouraging words of sceptisism, I know exactly where your comin from! I`ll send you the .blend when the AI has been honed. Thanks again for the speedy shadow script.