GameBlender Logo Contest

JD-multi: well I know who should win! :wink: great design, good luck to all…

satubi: did you call GB the evil side of blender because thats the side of blender that needs most of the work, ( has most of the errors ) Loooll
no offens and I [>] like your design …

what the?! sutabi!? hitachi!? oh…you have the same avatars…for a second there i didnt know who was the real blenderhead, but it looks like both of you are…what an identity crisis…im confused now…as usual :wink: …but oh well, hmm…i might enter…if i have time…

what the?! sutabi!? hitachi!? oh…you have the same avatars…for a second there i didnt know who was the real blenderhead, but it looks like both of you are…what an identity crisis…im confused now…as usual …but oh well, hmm…i might enter…if i have time…

sutabi = hitachi :slight_smile:

and speaking of both of them, where are you sutabi! you havent been in gameblender for ages, we’ve already set your funeral date and everything… you are missed!

::Vector Based Format:: = An image that can be sized to resolution with no loss of quailty…thats why I accpected blender

So it’s possible to make a blender logo ???


Hi, not shure if i got it,but what the heck :slight_smile:

i went for the abstract look, with a basic shape of something that might resemble a caracter from a really old c64 game :smiley:


abit like tapestry when i look closer… and not very good quality, but u get the picture.

quick logo design here…done in photoshop all vectors…

hey everyone, well i had a little extra time on my hands, so i thought ide take a stab at making a cool game blender logo…whatchya think? crits?
wasnt there something else i was supposed to put on that besides game blender? what was that again? guess thats it…

TUDBZD69 over and out! 8)

wasnt there something else i was supposed to put on that besides game blender? what was that again?

You can always read the rules heh, “Blended Reality”

Anyways very good ^^,although that blender head looks like sprem’s head…unless its supose to simbolize the birth of GameBlender? ^^

although that blender head looks like sprem’s head

lmao, what?! haha, you have a sick mind my friend…but then again, your not the only one :wink: …but no, sorry if i dissapointed you, but its not sperm…its supposed to be an octopus type thing…its too bright…gunna darken it a bit i think…

i was trying to go for an organic looking blender logo…er…thing…if you notice, the octupus IS the blender logo…and yea, ill put the blender reality part on there whenver im not working…ciao!

TUDBZD69 over and out! [>] [>] [>]

Hi there,

I first tried the logo with Draw.
Exported there as svg and loaded into sodipodi…
first draft, maybe have to redo it in sodipodi since there are far more
possibilities for gradients (alpha) 8)
[edit] redone in sodipodi: 156k svg file is now only 15k :wink:
so here it comes:
and the svg-file:


Greetings… I made some ugly pics … (another version of the first logo)

Please tell me what do you think about them :stuck_out_tongue:


I really like that one plus77! :smiley:

thanks Fred_Pyo 8)

Ok, my logos suck… (and so did my previos server that dissapeared…)

So, here are the logos in a different server…:

argh, I went and clicked one of these, and hotlink error occured, and then millions of popup ads occured, and then it wanted to install something to my machine.
last time I’m going to


See. the problem with being me is that people dont take me seriously.
But. I’m going to g ahead and put out my opinion anyway. heli’s is the best one so far. It has the most potentia out of all of these logos so far because of the color, the style of the text, the way the blender lgog is implemented ad everything, and that face. :<

Also, the G itself can be used as a logo.

total support that opinion!

Ahh, thank goodness for Opera, it has built-in pop-up prevention system, which works really great :slight_smile: