Gamedev graphics screenshots

(I am new to this forum, so I am not sure if this fits the category completely. Sorry if so, move it then, please.)
I recently made a screenshot of my project graphics. I am still struggling with alpha texturing, since there are visibly gaps in between. If anyone got tips how to ease them a bit, I’d be very happy. I am still very content about them, though.

I am open for any constructive criticism.

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It appears that the iris covers too much of the eye surface and it’s elongated. I would guess that you mapped the texture on the eye mesh without UVs.

Have a look here:

Or if you prefer, download one of these and examine how it was made:

It’s indeed using a UV map texture; I should have added that it’s a horse eye, haha.
Thanks though for the video links, it’s my fault that you didn’t know about.

My focus is currently on the eyelashes, sorry about the missing info.

Since I have a couple of horses at home, I know how their eyes look. The iris is usually much darker and deeper looking. Also, they don’t have it stretch like that, it’s almost completely round and the black part takes almost full vertical space.
Regarding eyelashes, you have made them too thicc. I’d make there be less of hair, make them thicker as individuals, but spaced out. And make them meet up at their root with a little bit of arched look.