the radar sensor is a directional near sensor [it’s cone shaped]
the or controller will send a true pule if any of the pulses it recieves are true, false when all the pulses it recieves are true
the expression controller lets you do more complex logic between sensors and even object properties
like “fwd AND speed > 7.0” where fwd is the name of a keyboard sensor and speed is a float property.
the Constraint actuator lets you confine an object to a region in XY space. It’s useless.
you can put expressions in the property assignment actuator… but I don’t think you can do conditionals
in c you might do:
health = health + 25 > 100 ? 100 : health + 25;
using logic bricks you’d need to add to the health in one property actuator, and either another [sensor controller and actuator] to set the health back down to 100 if it had passed it… or another controller and actuator to set the health to exactly 100
I prefer the first approach… it’d be easier to maintain if you had multiple different amounts of health to add
What I was asking could I do with help of expression(no python) make preferly a -Z axis(down) speed property And make my player lose 25 health if the -Z axis if it makes colission to property ground with the speed 10 to 100 for example
Expressions are pretty limited. To do what your asking you need to get the object velocity in the z axis. That’s a GameLogic function. I’m not sure what the thing is about learning python, but it’s not much harder than learning to use expressions. It’s really not much harder than using the logic bricks. Your writing a program when you fill in the logic bricks. Your doing it graphically, which is a little easier, but your still programming. With python you use more words and use the if branch to make much more complex things happen, and you call a lot of very useful Gamelogic functions which have already been written for you. You just fill them in like filling in the logic bricks. Sure, it takes a little time, but almost anyone can do it. If you’ve been programming with logic bricks then you can definately do it. Read the python thread and give it a shot.