Games? BF, CoD 4, GTA, CoD: BO, ...

Hey, I would like to know do you play games?

If so, which ones? (Black ops, Modern Warfare, Battlefield 2, Tomb Raider, CS, TF2, GTA, …)

And why? (If you answer “cuz it’s fun” define fun please)

Please reply to this thread it would mean a lot to me :slight_smile:

Thanks, Blendermonkey

I don’t get time to play games so really I can’t comment. It’s not fun.

Weeellll I do dabble a bit with them.
I mostly play Portal, Portal 2, half-life series.
Sad truth is though our xbox failed recently and playing games is no more :frowning:

Every now and then i’ll play ARMA II (and OA) and the project reality mod for bf2

ooh, cool! :smiley:

here goes: Super Mario, Mario Kart, Zelda (I’ve played almost every single one), Star Fox, Professor Layton (it’s freakin’ awesome), Age of Empires, Sonic the Hedgehog, Gran Turismo 5, Mario & Sonic Olympics, DK64, Banjo-Kazooie (N64 ones), Super Smash Bros…

@TWS Admin - Portal looks totally awesome, I can’t wait to try it out :yes: love the “Investment Opportunity” videos on 2’s site too, they’re hilarious!

Yeah it’s fun :smiley:

I often find myself quoting lines from that game :smiley:

Im not a gamer type but I play F1 2010 a lot. I cant wait for 2011 with DRS. Most games usually annoy me after 5 min of playing them but this one requires so much of my attention that my eyes are glued to the screen for 30 min at the time.

I personally play three games : Tomb Raider, Portal 1 & 2 and CoD
TR and Portal are awesome games because along with the puzzles there is whole virtual world for you to discover :D. In TR: Underworld it’s kinda annoying 'cause some of the time I have no idea what to do. Portal on the other hand is a good mixture of puzzles and the story itself. It is an epic game filled with action, thinking and wondering around. The ending of Portal 2 was just wow! I couldn’t believe what I was seeing.

Also, although a lot of people say it sucks, I like CoD. The campaign is very interesting with lots of action and multiplayer maps are nicely constructed. The score of MW2 by Hans Zimmer is also amazing - look it up on youtube.

Bfbc2 ftw!!! :d

I buy and play alot of big titles (Red Dead Redemption, Uncharted, Gran Turismo 5 (wich I got to 99%)) But there are only a few games I keep playing after the’re finished… Any of the Mario games (from the old Bros to the new Galaxy and Kart), Roller Coaster Tycoon 2 (my favourite PC game), Rayman, Resident Evil… and my favourite game, Batman: Arkham Asylum, I can’t get enough of that game… :smiley: Can’t wait till Arkham City comes out.

And there is the "Ask a question …"forum game. I’m surprised no one has chosen that one.

Portal, Portal 2, and Minecraft mainly. Portal series has great comedy and unique gameplay, and portal 2 has a great story. Minecraft is like lego, you can build whatever you want! I don’t play that many games though, my friends play consoles mostly, and I suck at consoles. It’s kind of ironic that I don’t play many games, but my favorite hobby is making games.

I barely get time to play games but if I do I play Spider Man Shattered Dimentions, why?
because it’s AWESOME!!
