Garbage matte - need help. *Solved*


I’m doing a little composition and I’m using a garbage matte. Everything is fine, until I reach frame number 101. It seems that I can create garbage matte, if it is 100 frames or shorter. I’ve tried to add more render length, curve length and I’ve looked all over. Is there a switch somewhere or is this a feature (hope not)?

Look at the speed curve of your shapes …

I don’t have a speed curve for my shapes. Do I need to? You are referring to the speed IPO, right?

If you are using absolute vertex keys on curves to make your matte, you need to make an IPO curve for the Basis (bottommost) key to go past the 100 frame limit. See this thread for a discussion of the issue and a more detailed explanation of this solution.

Thank you very much. That helped me.