Here is a WIP gas station that will have the shelves full of chips, candy, gum, soda, and any thing else I can think of.
I have been 3d modeling for about 6 days now and have about 6 or 7 small scene shots, and decided to give myself a project.
any comments, suggestions on items, or suggestions on textures are very welcome!
Here is a sample of the soda.
Hey there!
Very interesting idea of creating a gas station, I like it!
One thing is that your chips are too uniform in shape, try to deform the bag a little to have more variation. But it’s looking good!
I also think the soda cans are a little too glossy, try making them slightly less glossy, otherwise its fine.
I guess you’re using Cycles? (I guessed from the graininess of the shadows) Especially for an interior scene, try to keep the lighting setup simple, Cycles will turn ugly if you have too complex lighting. Just curious, is photorealism your final goal? 
All the best, I’ll be looking forward to see your final render!
Yeah, photorealism is ultimately my goal, I love the tip on the chip bags, I will remodel them. I am using cycles, and rendered it all with only 200 samples. going to go for around 1000-1500 samples once all is done, and if the graininess is still there, Ill simplify the lighting.
Very nice, personally I’m going for photorealism too, so what you’re doing gets me interested.
If the graininess is still there even after 1500 samples (I’ve had that before in my renders), you can try doing post proc to remove them, sometimes it saves more time than trying to change the lighting.
In any case, I’m really interested to see the progress of the scene. Keep the photos coming, and happy Cycl-ing!
Your doing a nice job so far, I agree on trying to make the chip bags less uniform. You really don’t have to remodel them, but rather look into the proportional editing feature, and just slightly bend the chip bags a little different, very their z rotation a tiny bit and you should be good to go. If you are currently using an array, you would want to apply that first, before doing the proportional editing. Not sure if you will need to re-UVunwrap the bags or not. But most importantly you need to lower each of the bags to actually touch the shelf.
Don’t forget the overly expensive price tags found in most gas stations 
Harleynut97, great suggestion on proportional editing, and I actually added those metal hook racks so they have a reason to be floating lol. I’m pretty sure I will not have to redo the uv-unwrap.
Perdeification, post proc will most likely happen when all is modeled and done, but your comment on lighting is appreciated.