Gatorade Ad WIP

I wanted to incorporate this gatorade bottle in a project some way for a while now so I decided to make a fake advertisment using it. I have spent two days so far on this and I have to say that I am not at all happy with the results. Something feels like it is missing. I also tried doing some extra work in photoshop with it but it still looks too plain to me.

I would love some ideas from any of you that would help make this scene look better.

Here it is before photoshop:

After Photoshop:

Hey Bolt97. What render engine did you use? I suggest add lots of water drops to make it look more realistic. The background… hmm what’s the idea? I think the background steals some attention, it seems to be the main object, try to lower the background light strength and add light influence to the bottle. About photoshop… you don’t need it(yet), there is no noticeable difference between those images.

I think it looks nice but if you try to fix these things, you’ll get a better image.


Sebastián Zapata.

The main problem is it needs brighter lights. Have a look at the histogram for your image and I bet there is hardly anything in the upper half.

You could try a 3 point lighting system (bright warm highlight, cold fill light and a rim light from behind). And yes - drinks ads nearly always have waterdrops.

Thanks for the suggestions. To answer your question, I am using cycles to render this. I’ve been working on making changes to the image. I have added water droplets and changed the lighting. Here is the result so far.

Soon I am going to work on the background, probably lower the brightness and contrast. I also plan on adding some text since it is supposed to be an ad I feel like there should be some sort of text on the image.

I think you need to increase your focal length a bit. try setting the cameras focal length to 88. this is a common number for ads, along with 55, 80, 120, 180, and 200. photographers for ads like to use longer focal lengths because they show more of the product. even if it is just a cylinder, like bottle. naturally we are more intrigued by seeing more of what we are interested in. Using a longer focal length does just that. There is such thing as a focal length that is too long, so dont over do it. too long and it will appear very bland and less dramatic. start with 88 id say and if it does not feel long enough, try upping it to 120, and so forth.

Ah, that is so much better! Good work on the water droplets, very realistic. Now just improve the background as you say and it will look good.

I’ve been experimenting with the brightness and contrast of the background, while I was doing so I also experimented with a slight blur to the background. I am not sure which image I like better.

Any suggestions?
