GE Node Editting

Here’s some folks messing about with Blender’s node system for the GE. They are originally Maya users trying to learn Blender, and are doing very well, which is a testament to the interface. Anyways, they’re doing some really nice stuff, so it’s worth taking a look at and following in the future.

The rimlight looks pretty interesting. Surely with professionals looking at node viewport shaders some nifty things could be accomplished. Now if only the procedural textures were supported.

Thread topic made me think this was another thread about nodes instead of logic bricks. I would like to see the bricks get the look of nodes, and maybe some impovments like a controller output going to a controller input (to make something like if 1 or 2, and 3 do) or a sensor output going directly to a actuator without a controller.

Wops, back on topic: that looks nice, and this is the second time today I have to say: I really need to learn nodes.

CD: For procedurals check out: and

Sim88: It sounds like you’re describing the ‘Or’ controller. Check it out.

I have Mapzone and made textures with it, what I’m wishing for is that someday, Blender’s procedurals can be shown in real-time with bumpmapping. I don’t know about you but it would allow for super crisp high resolution looking textures without the added filesize, but at the cost of being more expensive on the GPU.

Better yet have the GLSL render much faster before trying to do that.

Okay, bad example. Anyhow I think the node look would be nice instead of the bricks, but people have been asking for that for ages.