gears of war :)

YO! this took me about 30 minutes… i thought it looked pretty cool. i jus got done pwning on the game so i was like “hey, why not?”. ~Enjoy~ :smiley:

LINK- 0001.jpg

P.S.- how do i put the pic right on here so u dont have to click the link?


just a thought but the box would look better if you gave it a subtle bevel… nice job though!

you should put a creese in the case, to show that it opens. and the disk should have more vertices, right now it looks kinda boxy.
other wise ok job.

the size of the image on disc is wrong… apart from that good :slight_smile:

(i can tell as the “18” is cut off)

Nice little model. Scene is pretty bland, though.

thanks guys ill start working more on it

good but I would UV map it instead of setting a texture

i did… uv map the box and cd… yeppers