this is again design for a game…
it will load, save, calculate… basicly, just let player know that game is not halted, but doing something
this is again design for a game…
it will load, save, calculate… basicly, just let player know that game is not halted, but doing something
80 views. and no replys.
that means, it is not bad and it is not good.
it means it’s: whatever, nomatter, whocares, finebyme, allthesame, seeyoulater …
I guess… it’s back to the old drawing board… I had some difficulties when I started designing it, but in the end, I kind of liked how it looked.
Well, I like it! Maybe the “gear” looks a bit too plastic-ish… Rough up the specularity and you should be fine!
Um… the reson there were no replies… is because no-one actually knows what it does. Would you mind explaining again? The image is good, but people are thrown by the explaination
Great image. Pretty good for loading scene.
You are little fastidious, aren’t you.
bye . vosa
I like it. It does seem a little plain to me but for a loading screen, its fine.
To be honest, I’m more interested in the penguin-alien-thing in the background than the loading mech thing (which isn’t bad at all, but I think I’d really like to see it move).
its cool, but bits need to spin and wiggle, and to be perfectly blatant, i dont like the penguin character thing, its just too wack. It has no character.
a little more NOR maybe on the main metal texture?
and alse texture the arm thingy.
will that do?
take it easy
i think its very cool. so this is going to be a still image in the game right?
Is it the 1st Blender game with load ,save and calculate I have met
But what does ‘calculate’ mean :o ?
heh… perhaps I didn’t put it really clearly… I was dead tired (as always) and in a hurry… sorry…
so, I’m making graphics for one game. I’m doing everything from backgrounds to characters. designing, modelling, animating, rendering…
the character you see in the background, is the main character for whole game. tux. he is wearing some helmet and armor… and plasmablaster that is the opening picture of the game, background for startup menu etc…
the thing I showed here, is the gizmo over the whole picture, loader.
idea is, that in the game, when it loads/saves/does something that takes time, the loader-gizmo is displayed on top of the background (whatever currently there is) and there are lights flashing, text blinking, and meter on the right rising to show the amount of loading time left.
that sort of thing.
the design page for the loader is here:
thanks for the comments, and as someone pointed out, there were actually couple of things I didn’t texture yet, good eye!
there will be little bit tweaking still, but I posted it here because the general design is ready, and I wanted to get some last minute crits perhaps how to make it better… you know how it is… you stare at the same model for too long, and dont see any flaws in it anymore after awhile…
so thanks again.
You are little fastidious, aren’t you.
bye . vosa[/quote]
I was talking to myself, making those precious mental-notes you know… someone had to reply. it was me.
hmm… I seem to drift a bit here… bye now.
vooz . so . long
[quote="basse:) I was talking to myself, making those precious mental-notes you know… someone had to reply. it was me.
hmm… I seem to drift a bit here… bye now.
This is exactly what happens to me when I spend too much time in front of a computer. I think I lose my perspective and objectivity. I usually go for long walks to re-discover that I am not just the fleshy extension of a machine.